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  1. L

    Exploring India

    Her depictions in art leave an impact on the mind, so peaceful, calm and other worldly.
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    India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC

    Afraid not. You are confusing UNHRC with the security council. There is no veto in UNHRC, every member's vote counts equally. The most China can do is oppose it, but resolutions are passed on consensus either through majority or a certain number of votes in favour. In any case, these kinds of...
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    PSLV-C20 launches 7 satellites

    Longer tracking of the flight path
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    PSLV-C20 launches 7 satellites

    For those that missed it. Extended footage
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    An echo of Pakistan’s tragedy in Delhi

    An echo of Pakistan’s tragedy in Delhi Amit Baruah. Dawn, February 25, 2013. Delhi was the scene of an unusual protest on Friday. Some members of the Hazara community and a few Pakistani students gathered outside the United Nations office to demonstrate against the killings of hundreds...
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    Gwadar - a port full of possibilities

    See, the mistake of our pulling out, as well as the stupid vote against Iran at IAEA, are all a result of the corrupt and poisonous leadership we have at present. They are intent on selling India to the West, but enough groups in India gave harsh opposition to those and other moves that they'll...
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    Exploring India

    Sometimes I'm left in awe at how rich ancient India was, that a great civilization like China could learn and adopt its philosophies in their own unique way. The deeper you look into history, the less digestable all this warmongering between India and China is, no thanks to the West trying to...
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    Ten Reasons Why Nepal ShouldJoin India

    If only you didn't get carried away and even knew the first thing about this topic. But who can expect any different? Nepal's king had made overtures personally with Nehru about a confederation between both nations at our independence. Nehru turned it down because he felt the world would see it...
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    The Indian Army's First ALH Rudra Armed Copter

    Source: Up Close With The Indian Army's First Rudra
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    Two Nation Theory 2.0

    Takfir is to adjudge who is muslim and who is not. In common parlance, especially of recent, Takfiri refers to those believers who declare other muslims as kafir/apostates, and is often used as a derogatory term to encompass certain schools of thought, sects and its adherents which justify their...
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    Walls and Bridges

    Please stop this drivel about India does not accept your existence. The history of partition resulting from Jinnah's demands not being met, the 24 years gap between our first nuclear tests, the option of striking installations that was turned down by M. Desai, and countless other contextual...
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    Pashto to be official language: Sikandar Sherpao

    Aren't Hindkowans the original inhabitants of Peshawar and surrounding regions to the north/east? I read they are desi people, by origin, who are indigenous to that area but were driven out later when Pashtuns moved down from the Khyber pass. Over time their genetics shifted as the settlers...
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    Ancient Pyramids in China

    China had no border with India for thousands of years, until the 1950s. Just give it time.
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    100th Tibetan self-immolates in China

    May I ask you, and don't take this the wrong way, if you are a woman? Wishing a peaceful old man who has never harmed you, and forbade harm to both self or other, to be burned alive would just sound heart breaking from a woman's mouth. If you are a man, then carry on I expect no better.
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    AFTAB ( Iranian space monkey )

    Seems he is looked after better than half the people in our country. Free food, free spaceflights, constant protection, care and pampering. Must have done some good karma.
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    100th Tibetan self-immolates in China

    More considerate than detonating oneself in crowds of children and women, wouldn't you say?
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    How Kargil was defused - Testimony from Pakistan Embassy in Washington

    Well, I have spoken to my elders who were uprooted from Punjab, and non-relatives who left Sindh more amicably, as children. Their view, despite being informed by personal experiences, was far from what you mention. When their families had lived there since time immemorial, obviously they felt...
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    Kohinoor is ours, won't be returned, British PM David Cameron tells India

    This Cameron guy gets on my nerves. He'd make that pig Churchill proud. The diamond does not matter, we are beyond all that. But the way he addresses the issue with smugness, as if Brits are the final authority on what can and cannot happen in terms of returning colonial plunder, just stinks of...
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    Ghana Deports 38 Chinese Arrested for Gold Mining

    What he did to Indians he also did to Pakistanis in that country. It was a sad state of affairs; many families' women and children went missing and were sexually assaulted. Keep laughing though. And when South Asians were assaulted and deported, it was not for breaking any law, whereas in this...
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    Turkey-Pak ties pose hurdle to India's entry to NSG club

    As far as I know, India's proliferation record has been completely clean. China, on the other hand, exported such tech to North Korea and Pakistan, and AQ Khan's proliferation network is well known. So if they were so happily exporting and spreading nuclear technology, why be upset at India who...
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