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  1. Lionhood

    11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

    The 60 km's range should also be decreased to lower ranges in upcoming missiles because tactical missiles are such which can destroy 100's of Indian Tanks in an attack. The so called Indian Cold Start Doctrine is raped by this missile.
  2. Lionhood

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    Everyone knows that Pakistan won the conflict and point 5353 is still in our control! Gen Aziz is a Hizb ut Tehrir like minded person who was a known drinker and charsi before and now came with a beard face. He should first answer for his seven springs farm! Everyone knows that Pakistan won the...
  3. Lionhood

    Variants of Baktar Shikan missiles

    Pakistan Army has Baktar Shikans mounted on Talha APCs and Infantry Fighting Vehicles!
  4. Lionhood

    Did Hafiz Saeed incite Pak troops into killing Indian soldiers?

    All allegations are proved to be baseless when spokesperson of Indian Northern Command denied any Pakistani attack on their side! He said that an Indian troop's dead body found from Jungle! The question is why India summoned Pakistani High Commissioner? Why they put allegations on Hafiz Saeed...
  5. Lionhood

    Teach Pakistan a lesson like 1965: Hazare

    Pakistan is ready for any war with India because we spent last 4 years in exercises where Indian troops spent all the time in drugs and weapons smuggling, rapping the girls in trains and supporting insurgencies in all neighboring countries! The Indian Hoaxes are biggest enemies of India. An...
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