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    Not my boys: Gen Kiyani Rejects Operation in Karachi

    Bro Peregrine, Since when has pak internal or external security been in pak hands..it has always been in either their yank/chn masters Does it surprise anyone that the pak establishment is rooted in hypocrisy and corruption? Isnt it obvious from events over the last decade that the pak...
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Bro The Legend, Lets try to keep things factual..if you want to make an assertion..justify it. I agree with you that ind/pak/asians in m-e are not having a good time over there..and it is also cos ind/pak are not doing so well economically so ind/pak need to go to m-e to work..thats a fact..no...
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Cheers bro...now you see how us asians are pretty useful and how arabs cant do anything properly. Happy to enlighten you bro..:)
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Bro The Legend, my mistake bro you are replying to messages..altho you can do it..but its not done properly mate..you are not phrasing your words properly mate..its hard to understand them. You shld not say 'he should get what I'm aiming to' You shld say: 'he should get what I'm aiming at'...
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Bro The Legend. Let me help you out mate: I will rephrase your below quote: 'Its not my grammar, the subtext is my opinion was hard for you to figure out anyway. I dont think there will be any economic impact as a result of kicking indians out of the gcc' Bro: 1) What subtext is there...
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    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    Bro VCheng, I am not sure what full capacity you are speaking of mate. AWACs are supposed to be a state's eye in the sky..to protect its territory and to mge its air assets, no? It's a fact that pak does not have full control of its own defences, the yanks took care of that (ie when bro osama...
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Bro The Legend You need to improve your grammar mate..I honestly am not sure what you are trying to say here mate.. PS: If the saudis, gcc boys kicked out the asians working there..wat do you tink will be the economic repercussions for the GCC?
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    Saudi Arabia set to launch two satellites

    Totally agree with you Rusty bro.. But some corrections here: You dont smoke drugs, you ingest them.. I did not only involve pak, I am bringing the two biggest boys in s.asia..I hope they become chummy.. Yes bro...I would definitely agree with you ksa has done million times better than...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Wat did I say wrong that I got a warning, esp when I solely talked abt the JF17 and implications of operating it? come on..lets have a proper and honest discussion abt the topic at hand
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    India eyes Israel's Iron Dome to counter Pak, puppets

    I dont see how any iron dome will help ind. pak doesnt shoot simple rockets like what the palestinian rebels shoot their qassam rockets. anyways..ind shld worry abt influx of more kasabs from pak than abt dodgy rockets There is more to this...anyway go israel..at least they take their defence...
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    Saudi Arabia set to launch two satellites

    KSA with its abundant resources has never done anything of worth in the world. The only reason they are tolerated is cos we need someone to run the hajj and umrah. KSA is a colony of US Facts: Pak has never ever won a war, externally or internally Ind is corrupt and inefficient So lets put...
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    Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

    Saudi is a construct of colonial powers. Any mufti worth his conscience will not work for the sauds God is watching
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    India’s ambitions to encircle Pakistan

    Facts: 1) Pakistan has never ever won any wars it has fought 2) India is not concerned about pakistan too much..its detente between the two.. 3) It is too much trouble for india to bother with pak not to take on the rot in pakistan when india itself is not strong enough (think east germany...
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    Malala, 15, set to make Britain her permanent home

    Good for her..England is practically full of us Asians anyway..its a home away from home.. Hope she recovers soon :)
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