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    CIA-Islamic terrorists network!

    CIA-Islamic terrorists network! by Mohammad Jamil Wayne Madsen has the spine to expose CIA links with the terrorist groups in his article captioned ‘The CIA’s Islamist Terrorist Network’ published in Strategic-Culture Organization’s online journal. He stated...
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    Karachi Violence Thread

    In this respect, when militants had attacked on Pakistan’s Naval Airbase in Karachi on May 23, 2011, US-led some western countries including India and Israel, while manipulating the situation had intensified their campaign against the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.
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    How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

    I think India and Pakistan had resumed the new phase of talks in March, 2009 which were the first structured bilateral talks.
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    Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

    During the visit of India’s External Affairs Minister S M Krishna to Pakistan, Islamabad and New Delhi signed on September 9, this year. Khar stated that they discussed all the outstanding issues such as terrorism, Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage, water etc.
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    Pakistani Forces against Militants.

    I am Satisfied the Pak Army for successful military operations
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