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  1. M


    Please stop being a creep. On the topic, I see Zaid Hamid as an opportunist who just talks about stuff that will get him attention and fame. Either that or a completely crazy person.
  2. M

    Firing on PIA Jet in Peshawar, Killing 1 Woman on Board

    I dont think the pilot turning off lights at landing has anything to do with trying to the visibility of plane from outside. It is a standard procedure designed to help passenger's eye accommodate to darkness so that in case of an emergency (which is most likely while landing or taking off), the...
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    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Japan has a very aging population. A large portion of their population is above the age of retirement. An increase in muslim population might just result in a large portion of the working force in Japan being muslim.
  4. M

    Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

    I think the used of the term "martial race" is racist and incredibly stupid. It is just a way of trying to make one race look superior to others. It is true that some races on an average are much more well build but this idea has lost all its relevance in the present day.
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    Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

    well but what someone uses it does not count as the "real meaning"
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    Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

    Baniya is not a derogatory word or a slur. It is just the name given to people of a specific caste. Calling Baniya a slur is like calling Jew a slur (I used this example because the stereotypes associated with both groups are usually the same).
  7. M

    Pakistan becomes first associate member of CERN from Asia

    There are many articles saying that Pakistan will soon become an associate member but only one article saying that Pakistan actually got it and it mentions a "press release by the foreign office". Any such release would have more references online. Specially considering that the meeting was held...
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    Pakistan becomes first associate member of CERN from Asia

    What is the source for this news? No reliable source seems to confirm this new, with the above mentioned CERN website also not having any such news in their "updates" section.
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    Reports of blast at Islamabad shrine; casualties feared

    Political parties in democracies do not care about (or pretend to care about) what their constituency find important. They care about things that are easiest to incite the crowd and swing the votes.
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    [Techspot] Quantum Levitation Demonstration

    This would make a super cool air-hockey puck
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    India rejects Organization of Islamic Cooperation's resolution on Jammu and Kashmir

    Isn't it Pakistan's claim that Kashmiri have more in common with Pakistani than with Indians. If that is true then what happened in Bangladesh, would have happened in Kashmir too.
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    Commonly used rhetoric to dominate a debate

    Because it prevents people from having any mature conversation. It is important to show the "trolls" that their tricks are recognized by other people and may be make them reconsider before the repeat the same thing.
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    Commonly used rhetoric to dominate a debate

    Seriously? This is the exact opposite of trolling. It is trying to have a mature conversation about people trolling.
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    Commonly used rhetoric to dominate a debate

    A lot of people seem to use the same rhetoric/name calling in a variety of threads mostly to discredit the person they are debating with. I invite people to mention such phrases that are commonly used, and if possible explain why it you feel that their use is ridiculous. Please note, some topics...
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    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    And what did she do when she came into power in the all important state of UP? Spend millions of tax payers' money on lavish monuments with multiple statues of herself. All these people talk about betterment of Dalits but the reality is that it is just vote politics and people proved that they...
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    Why Awami League terrorist allowed entry inside india?

    "The treaty will allow exchange of convicts sentenced for more than a year in prison but will not be applicable to political prisoners and asylum seekers." India has the right and duty to investigate if the person fulfills all the criteria but you are saying that India should just deport him...
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    Why Awami League terrorist allowed entry inside india?

    India replied the day it received communication from your ministry and the link you send clearly says that India "sought more information about Nur Hossain and the government was collecting the information." According to you India should have just handed over the guy to Bangladesh the second it...
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    Why Awami League terrorist allowed entry inside india?

    'We have sent the letter today to the Foreign Ministry and they will send it to the Indian authorities tomorrow,' State Minister says - Foreign Ministry asked to bring back Nur Hossain | Dhaka Tribune This is from yesterday. Why do you expect India to take all the steps and that too immediately...
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    Why Awami League terrorist allowed entry inside india?

    If BD people (and by that I mean authority like police, intelligence and politicians whose job should be keeping an eye on the activities related to this guy), have such a bad memory that they will just forget about a person involved in crimes against BD, then BD alone stands guilty. Also if he...
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