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  1. M

    Bangladesh urges Pakistan apology for 1971 ‘crimes’

    as the arguments are going in forum that what has bygone is bygone. i request pak ppl to use the same for anbti islamic policy , kashmir, and every where
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    Gurkhas in the Indian Army - images and information

    gurlhas look like gurkha and india has a lot of them
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    indian spy satellite

    India Armed Forces are going to get satellite for surveillance and recce. first of spy sat in long ques to follow India to launch spy satellite on April 20 - India - The Times of India
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    RAW the rascal

    this is raws job wht wrong in this securing national interest through covert means
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    sagar prahari bal

    Navy: Sagar Prahari Bal to secure India's coastline Indian Navy will create a new force called the Sagar Prahari Bal (SPB) to protect Naval bases and border the coastline areas. The SPB will comprise of 1000 personnel and will have 80 fast interception crafts for sea front patrolling. AK...
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    who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

    the hatred for india is more in pak and is institutionalised our text book are not only neutral but impart more glory than is deserved to muslim rule ok and pak is created out of hatred for hindus it was based on assumption that muslim will not be safe in hindu majority if we are not the...
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    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    this some thing we all feared ultimately happened i remeber once imran khan said no one can attack cricket in pak as its a passion. time and agin jihadis has proved ppl wrong our point has been vindicated that islamist want to capture pak.
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