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  1. J

    Australian think tank: China's radar can easily capture the F-35 fighter

    How can they be sure? I mean did they test it? lol..
  2. J

    Iran - Armenia relations.

    Yes same! So tell me what benefits iran have? Saudi relations with US/IS is to get weapons.. sell Oil blabla But Iran?
  3. J

    Iran - Armenia relations.

    Could anyone please explain me.. Iran population mostly Islam... government almost extremely islam.. Why in earth cooperate with Armenia? (which is 100% christianity) I mean.. seeing all the laws in Iran.. Seeing the punishment people get for things.. im like WTF LOL! but still the...
  4. J

    Opinion: Will Turkey be Israel's new-old best friend?

    WELL LETS END THIS DICK MEASURING CONTEST OK!? penis size: Turks (14.11cm)> Indians (10.24cm) ww w.targetmap.com/viewer.aspx?reportId=3073 TROLOLOL.
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