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  1. Fireaxe888

    INS Trikand Set sail for service

    Laid down in 2008? Pathetic. The Burkes, by comparison, take no more than 2 years to build.
  2. Fireaxe888

    INS Vikramaditya Fixed , Final trials for INS Vikramaditya in June

    Pretty sure. One knot is one nautical mile per hour. Going 30 knots an hour would mean doing 30 nautical miles an hour an hour, which is obviously wrong.
  3. Fireaxe888

    INS Vikramaditya Fixed , Final trials for INS Vikramaditya in June

    Good news. "Knots per hour" is wrong, though. Knot is a unit for speed, not for distance.
  4. Fireaxe888

    Overcoats & seperate buses prevent "Temptation" in Puducherry.

    This is ridiculous. You can fight rape without drastically curtailing people's civil liberties.
  5. Fireaxe888

    Is Democracy outdated in its current format across the world?

    1. Now that I think of it, Singapore is another example of a competent semi-dictatorship, but in the main dictatorship pretty much invariably results in corruption, bad government and oppression, as those in power are not held acccountable by the populace. 2. Still better than sham "elections"...
  6. Fireaxe888

    Is Democracy outdated in its current format across the world?

    I don't think I've heard of a single dictatorship that hasn't resorted to censorship, intimidation or repression. It's what's necessary to maintain a monopoly on power. We have the liberty to choose our leaders, to speak freely through any medium without fear of inprisonment or execution...
  7. Fireaxe888

    Is Democracy outdated in its current format across the world?

    Liberty is not, and never will be, outdated. The very fact that you can debate this without fear proves it.
  8. Fireaxe888

    Maoists Getting Stronger In India

    You'd think they'd know better then to idolize a guy whose policies killed tens of millions.
  9. Fireaxe888

    Musharraf calls for India and Pak to ‘bury the hatchet’

    If France and Germany went from bitter foes to close allies in 10 years I see no reason India and Pakistan can't do the same. If nothing else, start with cultural matters. I'm sure both sides would agree that promoting their shared history would be beneficial.
  10. Fireaxe888


    The Vikrant is a modified Cavour? Really?
  11. Fireaxe888

    UN's nuclear watchdog: Rajasthan reactors are among world's safest

    Nuclear certainly has problems, but it's far better than the Indian alternative, coal, which has killed and continues to kill far more than nuclear plants ever have, and emits more radiation to boot (did you know coal has trace amounts of uranium? When you're burning millions of tons it adds...
  12. Fireaxe888

    Your Favourite Animal

    The phoenix and the wolf.
  13. Fireaxe888

    Ex NSA:India, China are destined to be rivals by geography.

    So were France and Germany, and we all know how that turned out, don't we? :) Honestly, people, jingoistic dickwaving is never cool.
  14. Fireaxe888

    World War II: 'India should claim its role in victory of Allied forces'

    ...With an army that made a sport out of cruelly murdering Indian, Chinese and Singaporean civillians and prisoners of war. If you believe any "Free India" would be any more like a Japanese exploitation colony in all but name like the rest of the "free countries" in the Co-Prosperity Sphere...
  15. Fireaxe888

    500,000 cyber warriors to bolster India's e-defence

    The average Indian hacker ;)
  16. Fireaxe888

    Russia rules out arms sale to Pakistan

    .....But we will arm Mr Assad? Indians, you're an actual democracy, try t odistance yourselves from Putin and his regime. You're too reliant on Russian arms as it is.
  17. Fireaxe888


    It would take over the world, of course.
  18. Fireaxe888

    INS Viraat heads for 5-month long refit, setback for Navy

    This isn't news - carriers need to be refitted on a regular basis. One of the US Navy's c.10 carriers in pretty much always in a mid-life refit.
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