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  1. J

    State Terrorism of Punjab Govt against PAT exposed

    Jinnah must be relieved he's not alive to see this shit the ****'s have got themselves into. lol Please don't compare Pakistani Authorities with normal civilised ones, as it's grossly unfair i.e civilised ones have been educated in civilised institutions and do not acquire their posts through...
  2. J

    State Terrorism of Punjab Govt against PAT exposed

    The problem with people of Pakistan is they moan and complain which ever party is in power, yet they have very short memories of the previous government and elect the very same person back into power they were complaining about just a few years ago. Nation of Pakistan needs a revolution similar...
  3. J

    State Terrorism of Punjab Govt against PAT exposed

    Personally I have no sympathy with the people of Pakistan who choose to elect terrorists into power. I beggars belief that a nation so corrupt, where there is no value for life and survives on handouts deserves even to be a nation at all.
  4. J

    Should Pakistans Army Chief resign after NATO attack

    Brother The real ISSUE is Pakistan being a nuclear power and nothing else. They are lookig for an excuse to rid Pakistan's arsenal period. Therefore we do not need to give them the reason to destroy the little progress we have made as a third world Islamic country.
  5. J

    Should Pakistans Army Chief resign after NATO attack

    Aslaam e laikum Borthers, Well said Bahdar, This is a time to reflect as individuals, don't forget the Hadith, ' God will bestow leaders that represent the people of that nation'. i.e. if your a theive, corrupt or a bandit then your leaders will be from within you. Now is the time to...
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