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  1. P

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    That's not a good analogy. The population of the Falklands is not the indigenous population. The Argentinians who lived in the Falklands during the 1800's (after Argentina got independence from the Spanish) were forcibly removed and expelled to the mainland by the British navy, and English/Welsh...
  2. P

    Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

    As I understand the history of the Falkland Islands, the British were justified in going to war with Argentine junta, as the majority of the islands' population is of English/Welsh descent. Whether the original British claim on the island is justified is a separate matter. We should probably...
  3. P

    I am a victim of liberal fascism

    India also has a muslim vice-president, who happens to have a beard.
  4. P

    U.S.A. military

    I think we need to look at this information in context. The kind of wars the US military fights have changed considerably since Vietnam. They have been in a perpetual state of war for a decade, and probably will be for at least another decade. And these aren't conventional wars, they are against...
  5. P

    I am a victim of liberal fascism

    The first part of my comment was not meant to denigrate all those who are not liberal, it was meant to highlight the massive differences between the tactics employed by those on the far right and those on the far left. Certainly the vast majority of conservatives do not think this way, I don't...
  6. P

    I am a victim of liberal fascism

    This article has really opened my eyes. Up till this moment, I hadn't realized the distress I cause people who disagree with my liberal views. I promise: I will stop burning down those madrassahs that refuse to educate women. I will no longer force girls to marry the man of their choice. I...
  7. P

    I am a victim of liberal fascism

    To consider the Communist Bolshevists liberal would be ridiculous. You deliberately avoid calling them liberals, which leads me to believe you know this to be case. Substitute 'a muslim' for 'an atheist', 'islam' for 'athiesm', and it sounds eerily familiar doesn't it? EDIT: I don't want to...
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