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  1. The Count

    US to press Pakistan to 'squeeze' Haqqani network: Hillary Clinton

    I doubt it. Good though the ISI undoubtedly are Academic and Military consensus is that the ISI has lost control of its erstwhile allies. LeT for instance did not seem to be doing Pakistan any great favours either in 2001 or 2008. On both occasions the US and the UK had to conduct a lot of...
  2. The Count

    The Siachen reality

    Re the Siachen Reality. What of the SSG involvement they are Pakistani Army - Owen Bannet Jones seems pretty clear on this in his book Pakistan eye of the storm. He is pretty balanced on his analysis of Indo Pakistani conflict. Furthermore weren't the NLI brought inder control of the Army...
  3. The Count

    Pak Rejects Indian Proposal to Declare Nuclear Doctrine

    Chaps, Surely the pakistan doctrine is similar to France's during the Cold War? De Gaulle belived that although he could not destroy the Soviet Union he could 'rip off an arm' thus making any attack on France to exspensive to contemplate. I'm not sure however that Pakistan is under threat for...
  4. The Count

    Pak Rejects Indian Proposal to Declare Nuclear Doctrine

    Dr Sahib, you have a good point, part of the policy must be ambiguity (as in the doctrine of flexible response) which is crucial for Pakistan, partialy because your nuclear deterrent will not be as large as India and your lack a credible second strike. However, as a peaceable country...
  5. The Count

    Your move, chief!

    RazPak, "Government are pawns, the idiots started fighting within the country instead of uniting the people. Who needs to consider Americans as enemy when we have these jokers in office..." I think there is some truth in what you say with regard to your Govt being pressured to act by the...
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