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  1. D

    Why do the Americans treat Germany like its whore?

    do you think so?, it depends on how you look at it, historically they´ve been working together for a long time since the end of WWII, America and the powerfull banking families funded Hitler´s propaganda to power, and also funded the militarization of Germany PRIOR to WWII, If only germans knew...
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    Why do the Americans treat Germany like its whore?

    Both countries are runned by the same kind of Scumbags, there is no that much difference
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    There is a huge disinfo campaign about all this being spread by the spanish and european media, there is a huge amount of Catalonians that don´t want to split from Spain, we´ll see what happens anyway on 911, which is the date of the supposed referendum, why did they choose 9 11? I´ll leave that...
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    US using ‘beheadings to sway public opinion’ in favor of another war

    the beheadings are FAKED, they wanna change public´s perception to go to war, nobody died
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    Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

    The West needs an enemy, they used to be the "communists", now the enemy are the Muslims, stop buying the propaganda, ISIS is an American and Zionist fairy tale , Islamophobia and extremism in Europe is being promoted by our own governments and the sheeple that follow
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    French National Front party wins bellwether by-election

    France: Where Freemasons Are Still Feared - Businessweek If you dig further on french politics you´ll find out that the whole country is runned by the scum of the earth, Sarkozy was a jew and a zionist , and he was the elected president, what a joke
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    Turkey may ‘never be EU member’

    the European Union is runned by the industrial and military complex, and if Turkey ever joins the EU it will be the biggest mistake they´ll ever commit, I´ve noticed when I was in Turkey there is a lot of Social Engineering to get the masses to join and "like" the EU. Wake up, Europe it´s an...
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    Significance of the US Constitution

    The US constitution at this time has just about 0 significance as it was written by freemasons that came from England at the time, America is being runned by secret societies just like in Europe House stenographer loses it during shutdown vote
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    Was July 7 bomber widow Samantha Lewthwaite among Kenya attackers?

    Wake up TruTube.TV - Kenyan (Jew) Mall Hoax - The Camera Man Can (vid banned on JewTube)
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    Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

    Another false flag/hoax for the sheeple to believe and another excuse for Israel into attacking Siria or Iran.
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    The Crusade for a Christian Military, the US/NATO forces

    Keep in mind that Europe and America is being runned by satanic Secret societies such as freemasonry, they are the ones who have been cousing the wars through out the decades, many of the very same secret societies are already in many of your countries, not only the US. Arab Spring was a...
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    The Crusade for a Christian Military, the US/NATO forces

    There is a kind of crusade going on but don´t blame it all on religion, there are lunatics within the US military and they wanna push the globalization-NWO into the Mid East. High-ranking members of US military part of ‘Knights of Malta,’ ‘Opus Dei,’ reporter claims |...
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    May I remind you that there is no country on Earth already slaved by the West, the system we´re living in pretty much most countries and now in decline in most european and american countries was introduced by the brits, and we "owe" much to the Jesuits also. The theory says that european kings...
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    Jinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bPeVd-fwWug/T4_bzrMgeNI/AAAAAAAARm0/MPxeIjZI5KE/s320/1210178233_f.jpg Have scientists found a crashed flying saucer on the seabed? | Mail Online And this are the guys running your country, not Erdoğan: Freemasonry in...
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    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'

    There are geoingeneering programs going on, conspiracists call them chemtrails or whatever they wanna call them, but is not only in Iran, most countries are being sprayed with stuff to modify the weather or god knows what
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    Check about NA$A on cluesforum, there´s a thread about what they doing, and watch out with the New Age Movement, Jesuits and Lucis(Lucifer) Trust are behind them...
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    Check this guy also, very precise, he says there will be an explosion in the centre of the galaxy in the new cycle in December 21st Indigo Merovingian | Facebook
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    I´m aware, I´m not too sure about the shapeshifting thing as there is a huge amount of desinfo regarding the issue but you never know.. ..There is a huge cover up about this that´s for sure, and our future is doomed if we don´t realize what is going on, I believe you are from India, I think your...
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    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    There is a HUGE cover up about the Alien-UFO issue. Most governments in the world(or all) are being runned by Freemasonic Societies which knowledge comes from ancient egipt and Israel, they are the ones keeping the secrets, the same freemasonic societies spread into Europe thanks to the...
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    The Myth Of Al-Qaida

    It´s been always a myth, and still used as an excuse for false flag attacks all over the world, keep in mind Al Jazeera is under "zionist" control and it is used to brainwash people in the Mid East. Groups "linked to Al Qaeda" are financed by CIA operatives(Mercenaries)
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