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  1. G

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Thank you. Is it possible to show me on Google Maps where they are please? I would be very grateful.
  2. G

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    HOUSE1copy by Graham Nelmes posted Oct 24, 2019 at 12:55 PMOFFICERS'-MESS2copy by Graham Nelmes posted Oct 24, 2019 at 12:55 PMI am hoping to visit Karachi soon from the UK. I lived there until 1954 whilst my Father was attached to the RPAF. I have good memories of our house and the Officers'...
  3. G

    Air Force development 1930-1934

    This was taken in 1931 at the Lido. I can be sure of this because my father was in India between 1930-1934 and he annotated all of these particular photographs. The second one is the Airship Shed at Drigh Road
  4. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    This was taken in 1931 at the Lido. I can be sure of this because my father was in India between 1930-1934 and he annotated all of these particular photographs. The second one is the Airship Shed at Drigh Road
  5. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    My Dad worked on aircraft maintenance and I imagine these colleagues did too.
  6. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    I have lots like these - a good time was had by all! This would be circa 1950 -1954
  7. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    Thanks to all for your very helpful contributions. My Father was very proud of his Air Force career and particularly of his time in Karachi. I have photographs from two periods while my father was in Karachi. 1930 -31 and around 1950 - 1954. In the first period the photographs are well...
  8. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    Many thanks to all of you who have helped me track down the memories of my youth. I have other photographs if anyone is interested. This is one of my parents at a party in the Officer's Mess circa 1951. My parents are at the extreme left and right - clearly not with each other!
  9. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    That's really helpful thank you. I think the number was 19 but I will check with my sister. I have another photo taken about the same time but I am not sure of this building.
  10. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    Thank you - yes the second picture is the Officers' Mess and the first our house. I was only four at the time so I can't give too many details. However I seem to remember the the house was 19 Drigh Road - does that help?
  11. G

    Anyone recognise these photographs?

    My father served with the RPAF in Karachi from 1947 - 1953. I have photographs of our house in Drigh Road and the Officers' Mess. Are these buildings still there? I would love to know as I have such vivid memories of life in Karachi. Thank you
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