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  1. B

    Report: India may attack Pakistan

    if india decides to attack then it'll bring 2-3 countries along with it to attack. that is what india is doing at the moment. given the domestic pressure and the political backing, it would have attacked pakistan long ago. but it didn't and instead it went to the world community. smells like a...
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    Indian national arrested in Lahore, linked to blast

    a clear case of imitation by the pakistani media. the indian media were smart enough to take facts and exploit it enough to cause the world to notice. something totally opposite is being done by the pakistani media. they forgot the facts. the mumbai attack left behind a fu@katon of proof...
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    Did Qasab even write this letter?!

    (fbi)US and UK have already admitted he's a pakistani. investigation agencies from these two countries and some others have already interrogated kasav and admitted the facts in the public domain. all have agreed except pakistan. it wants it's isi and other's to interrogate him personally...
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    Did Qasab even write this letter?!

    why? the JFK conspiracy is not something new. the writer expressed views that are right down to the middle. the views are not his. welcome to conspiracy central ladies and gentlemen. :? like the writer says... In the aftermath of the Bombay attacks, they insisted that we had engineered...
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    Banning TV channels

    geo tv is good.
  6. B

    Did Qasab even write this letter?!

    I’m not going to insult your intelligence by explaining why AR Antulay is wrong when he says that a conspiracy led to the death of Bombay Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare and two other officers. If you’re the sort of person who reads this column, then you’ll know that this conspiracy...
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