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  1. M

    where are China's 18 armies stationed?

    I wonder what would be the resulted logic if you combine Viet logic and Gandalf logic together? Twisted logic? Make no mistake, every border or region in China is protected well by the GA's (Group Armies). Now, if you two (Viet and Gandalf) are smart and don't talk sh*t, you should know...
  2. M

    Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

    I think China should build transport plane that can carry at least two companies of fully equipped special forces that are equipped with IFVs, tanks, helicopters, artillery pieces, and anti aircraft missiles. China has many islands in far away places to defend.
  3. M

    Second Chinese carrier construction announced; J-15 made carrier landing

    It's interesting that you from SING would make the above statements. How many companies over there are owned by the SING government? Let's start with SingTel, SIA, NTUC, and you can fill-in the rest. So, are you saying these entities are always BULLSHIT? BTW, can you sing the SING national...
  4. M

    2 U.S. carriers deployed

    Some of these white American hillbillies talked as if their head is in their a$$ (it's no wonder they are full of sh*t). America should not be proud for destroying Taliban, al-Queda, or Saddam Hussein (Iraq). None of these entities is even a third rate power. It's the white American...
  5. M

    530km Zhengzhou-Wuhan HSR opens on 28.09.2012

    Synopsis of Chinese HSR: China’s high-speed rail system only opened in 2007. Even so it is slated to be bigger than the high-speed train systems of rest of the world combined by 2013. China is now the proud possessor of the world's longest high-speed railway network, with a combined track...
  6. M

    China's no.1 ally is?

    India? The biggest threat perceived by China? This is because China supported Pakistan? Abingdonboy, where were you educated? Do you really think the US has many allies if choice is given? Without invasion, gun boat or arm twisting diplomacy,or sanction, the US has no allies. Germany...
  7. M

    China test-fires new ballistic missile

    <lol got nothing to counter the facts?> More appropriately, "woof!! woof!!", a barking dog from British Raj.
  8. M

    What does the Egyptian President’s China Visit Signify?

    <when the saudi monarchists come to china to talk about trade, they talk about using saudi oil to substitute for iranian oil.> I do not think the above statement is entirely correct. You're probably not aware that there is a strange relationship between China and Saudi Arabia. Chine...
  9. M

    China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

    <we're not talking about them. without credible citations> I suppose Indians have credible citations? You guys need to look yourself in the mirror. Self introspection would do you guys good. You overseas Indians who think you're hotshots go back to India to wake up from your dreams. I know...
  10. M

    What does the Egyptian President’s China Visit Signify?

    Points to ponder for Morsi's visit to China: 1. Does Morsi have the power to do serious business with China? The Egyptian military is bought by the US for 1.2 billion dollars. Without the approval or backing of the Egyptian military, I would think Morsi is powerless. 2. Does Egypt have the...
  11. M

    The Chinese & Taliban Partnership Nobody Is Talking About Until Now

    Another ignorant Indian posting misinformation. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the US supported the Mujahideens and Talibans to fight against the Soviet Army. Billions in weaponry and military training was funneled by the CIA, through Pakistan. And one of the effective...
  12. M

    China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas

    Flip dude, what are you doing in this forum wasting your time? Discussing topics that you're not familiar with. You Flips should focus your energy in how to create jobs there, instead of being a cry baby for everything. "Uncle Sam, we've got only WWII weapons we can't fight the bully...
  13. M

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Stop it. Don't argue with the Indians about anything. They like to think they are the best, especially, when they live in a foreign land, then reality hits them when they go back to India. Once, I was on a plane going to Singapore flying SIA (aka Singapore Airlines) and 80%-90% of the...
  14. M

    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    I was in Maui, there was graffiti painted on a garage door that says "WHITE PEOPLE GO HOME." The whites are a bunch of hypocrites. They love to portray themselves as saints, the reality is they are far from it. They stole the land and murdered the indigenous people of Africa, Hawaii, North...
  15. M

    Evangelicals Collbarate with Chinese Government to Convert Chinese

    Imagine, if Hong Xiuquan won the Taiping Rebellion. China would have been a Christian country. NOTE: Hong Xiuquan almost toppled the Ching dynasty. He was able to challenge the Ching dynasty seriously. He claimed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. Ironically, the whites helped...
  16. M

    Russia planned nuclear attack on China in 1969

    Hey Communist, I thought you went to self exiled. Good to hear from you again. Communism is dead and Capitalism is dead. Probably, the only ideology that will thrive is a hybrid of these two. As you know many things in this world are from hybrid. The Aztec's, Inca's, and Maya's...
  17. M

    stealthy JH-7B?

    <Let's not classify people shall we?> By flying your flags you have automatically classified yourself as something. Save, in your case you're classifying yourself silently.
  18. M

    stealthy JH-7B?

    <Is it because hes an american or a "professional" or a senior citizen???> He's the worst kind of American. He's 'Namese American. The poorest Asian Americans in USA: 1. Lao American 2. Khmer American 3. 'Namese American All of them draw too much government assistance (aka welfare)...
  19. M

    China launches remote-sensing satellite

    <Most of our PDF members probably won't get the humor. Let me give a little explanation. Chinese netizens jokingly refers to China as the "little bunny", meaning it's harmless to everyone.> No wonder the fu&king pitbull is getting more daring? Sh*t it's a harmless white wabbit. Hmm, I...
  20. M

    Uncle SAM ready to wipe Cathay off the world map

    <A war between China and America will never happen barring the election of an ultra-nationalist in Taiwan and successful referendum. If it wasn't for this external fact, we wouldn't even be talking about war. Which shows just how unlikely war is; the only possible war is the continuance of...
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