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  1. Reviewer

    Pak's War and the role of Trio (US, India, Afghanistan)

    CAN US STRATEGY STABILISE AFGHANISTAN Posted on December 26th, 2009 By: Bassam Javed Sequel to the policy speech on Afghan strategy, various opinions and comments have appeared in the US press indicating that Pakistan needs to expand war against terrorists and extremists to other areas in...
  2. Reviewer

    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    Come on man, have a tinge of reality added to what you post... Its vividly proven many a times that there is brazen Indian involvement in Baloch insurgency, the obvious strategic interests including destabilization of Pakistan are the main Indian agenda in this area. India should avoid...
  3. Reviewer

    Pakistani Youth !!! Make ready ur strength

    Keeping the Indian war hysteria in view, I think its time 4 us to make ourselves ready to serve our beloved homeland. Pakistani youth should re-unite at this sensitive junction of time and prepare for any eventuality. This would be the best birth day gift to our Quaid :pakistan:
  4. Reviewer

    Banning TV channels

    Express newz provides objective review of the events
  5. Reviewer

    War possibility has Pak air force worried

    Buddy, u r right if u talk of high tech aircrafts only that is to say the high tech planes available with Pak are F-16 and JF-17 only but similarly high tech aircrafts available with India are SU-30 and Mig-29 so both countries become at parity with each other
  6. Reviewer

    IAF plans to hit targets in 24 hours

    PAF might be just rehearsing its own contingency plans, and there must be some meat in such type of reports because Indian ruling party, indeed, is up to show some stunts to the electorates.
  7. Reviewer

    World's Top Ten Militaries -A1Kaid

    In my point of view Israel has been wrongly placed in the list and Pak/Ind should be at par with each other one after the other
  8. Reviewer

    Mumbai terror - a reason to attack Pakistan?

    Have you forgotten that during Kargil operation Indian Army went short of coffins??? and Indian leaders were bending in front of US for playing its role in compelling Pakistan to withdraw, and u know what, Kargil operation was not aimed at capturing any land rather the object was to bring...
  9. Reviewer

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    But history denies ur optimistic view of the future BJP govt because Muslims of India have suffered the most in BJP's rule
  10. Reviewer

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    If u r such a great admirer of BJP and its allied extremist parties and u want that it should gain more popularity then u and ur party should resort to more moderate approach and discourage exploitation of the Muslims of India. Muslims of India are frustrated over the heinous acts of terrorsim...
  11. Reviewer

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    I wonder people do not take even a single second in linking all terrorist activities with Islam... Everywhere the word "Islamist Militants" is being used, what is the proof?? who knows that the arrested terrorist is a planted person which is being used by Indian intelligence agencies for their...
  12. Reviewer

    Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

    To conceal their in efficiency, indian police, intellince agencies and politicians always blame Pakistan for any mishap in India. Why would Pakistan support terrorism in India while it is itdelf fighting it and supporting fight against terror.....
  13. Reviewer

    CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

    Indian involvement in worsening the situation in FATA and Baluchistan is no more a fabricated story and can not be outrightly rejected. India has strategic interests in destabilization of Pakistan; establishment of a number of consulates all along Pak-Afghan border, recovery of Indian drugs and...
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