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  1. Palestine

    How long will U.S. stand by Israel?

    I guess the question needs to be rephrased!! How long will the zionist entity keep sucking America's money, technology, resources..etc!! my personal answer is till America becomes a fleshless bone!!
  2. Palestine

    The Risks of Israel's Two-Front War

    no proble, dude. i was kidding!!
  3. Palestine

    Why is the world deaf to Gazas cries?

    check 'My Life' by Bill Clinton page 513.
  4. Palestine

    please VOTE, it is urgent

    please VOTE, it is urgent > > > >CNN is doing an online vote on whether the Israeli invasion of Lebanon > >is > >justified and most people are voting 'ya Please copy the internet > >address > >below, go down the page to ' quickvote' and vote 'no' Forward to others, > >as > >many as...
  5. Palestine

    The IDF is Hungry for War

    you mean they ZOF (zionist occupation forces) are bloodthirsty!! come on!! they are only targetting MILITANTS see this website. some pics are not suitable for tender hearted poeple http://www.fromisraeltolebanon.org/
  6. Palestine

    Why is the world deaf to Gazas cries?

    If Saudi Arabia honestly wanted a change in American policy, they have a very easy way to send a convincing message to Washington. They can simply stop accepting American dollars in exchange for their oil. They won’t do it. Because that particular regime – along with Kuwait and other...
  7. Palestine

    The Risks of Israel's Two-Front War

    the zionists aggressiveness on gaza might not be called a front. They send their F16's drop bombs here and there, send their apaches throw rockets here and there, unleash their tanks to shoot whereever is possible. zionists have never led real battles with Palestinian young fighters. And when...
  8. Palestine

    Why is the world deaf to Gazas cries?

    Remember why were England and France reluctant to help solve the problem in Bosnia a dozen years ago?? simply because they did not want a Muslim states planted there thoough Muslims were the majority!! what is happening in Gaza is terror and violations of human rights, aggressiveness and...
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