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  1. G

    US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

    Do you think they would use this capability against US drones?
  2. G

    'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'?

    Even if Musharaf gave away the nuclear secrets how could he do this without involvment of senior nuclear scientists(including AQ),Army and ISI? Secondly calling an ex-president a traitor and spy isnt that easy.....if you say this u MUST mean it......i mean you MUST prove it!........what proof...
  3. G

    US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

    Listen! i just asked you to know the exact and current situation cuz everything that the media shows you isnt always right!..... i asked you a serious question and was expecting a serious reply not that ironic comment! and if u think you are realy that good at making jokes save your words for...
  4. G

    US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

    I would just like to know that how well you people(US) are going in Afghanistan? what are the ground realities? how far are you from complete success and what measures are being taken to crush the insurgency? Is there any change of plan? has Mr.Obama changed the way things will work in Aghanistan?
  5. G

    ISI Involvement in Karzai assassination plot?

    Why would ISI try to assasinate Karzai? .......to further destabalize Afghanistan, ultimately resulting in more unrest and anarachy inside pakistan?....c`mon!.....people have got a habbit of believing everything they listen! how disgusting!
  6. G

    US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

    I dont think Russia will allow American supplies through Tajikistan or Uzbekistan....not under present conditions when American economy has gone too fragile and they cant afford a 'cold-war-like' manouver! Secondly my objective was not to explain how we will defend or fight a war against US, i...
  7. G

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    Everything you all said is right! i just ask one question! Whoes war are we fighting!!!!!!?? our?.........where were these taliban before 9\11 or US attack on Afghanistan??? YES i am talking about ' TALIBAN'.....a miltia formed and tranied by OUR OWN army officiers and ISI! What made you call...
  8. G

    US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

    Hye! I would like to draw your attention to an issue that has become a thorn-in-heart for every pakistani! I am going to discuss and share with you the recent emerging situation at our western border with Afghanistan. The missle attacks by American forces using their Drones has become a...
  9. G

    American drone attacks and pakistani sovereignty

    Hye! I would like to draw your attention to an issue that has become a thorn-in-heart for every pakistani! I am going to discuss and share with you the recent emerging situation at our western border with Afghanistan. The missle attacks by American forces using their Drones has become a...
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