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  1. RedBaron

    TTP names Ehsanullah for peace talks

    Muse, superb article, the author has done a splendid job exposing this glaring travesty. Hope Pak media takes note and moves public opinion to the side of these brave hearts and those who fight for basic civil liberties that the TTP so abhors. Thank you for posting. I am of course fully aware...
  2. RedBaron

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    Most readers on this forum are educated, so let me pose a simple question: Why would India with per capita GDP of $1490 merge with Pakistan with a per capita GDP of $1190? Even with a population 10 times greater, the productivity per head in India is more than that of Pakistan. Source: World...
  3. RedBaron

    Should India Invade Pakistan?

    Trying to get back to topic instead of joining the p*ss*ng contest on this thread.... The invasion scenario is so dumb that I will save my breath....more realistic thought behind current skirmishes is GoI/IA/IAF want to strike a few LeT camps to prevent large-scale infiltration and/or future...
  4. RedBaron

    Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    Well, Musharraf was thought (in India) to be a mad maverick when he was COAS and masterminded Kargil which was a senseless plan....but when he took over the country and started meaningful discussions, GoI realized they could do business with him... Why did the deal not happen? Musharraf got...
  5. RedBaron

    Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    @Secur: the talks were back-channel talks so neither side has divulged exact details but there would have been compromises on both sides...Mush spoke about it in a 2011 interview, you can find more links on the Web: Musharraf’s Kashmir deal, mirage or oasis? | Pakistan: Now or Never...
  6. RedBaron

    Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    Well, looks like this thread is now a p*ss*ng contest with no moderators around, so trying to get back on topic...here are some alternate scenarios: 1> GoI knows from past history that Indian interests are better served when the generals run Pakistan...case in point, the almost-done Kashmir...
  7. RedBaron

    Obama’s ‘kill list’ critic found dead in New York City

    Yeah, what better way to start a new term than killing "troublesome" people at home too, right? Those pesky House Republicans better watch out....back off the debt ceiling debate NOW or a drone will smoke you in your pretty suburban digs. Fox News, you guys look over your shoulder the next time...
  8. RedBaron

    Obama’s ‘kill list’ critic found dead in New York City

    Yeah right...the "prominent" Indian-American is Dinesh D'souza a.k.a. Dinesh Distort-the-Newsa, a fringe right-wing nutcase. The right-wingers should probably prepare for end-of-the-world in 2016 as per their pre-election predictions. :flame:
  9. RedBaron

    India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

    Agree that conventional superiority is on paper only and doctrines like CS are needed. Whether they are best response to deter/respond to a 26/11-like attack is arguable.
  10. RedBaron

    India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

    These are all excellent points...thanks Fatman (am still catching up after a long gap, good to read your postings!) Regarding actually going to war (using CSD or otherwise) as retaliation for a terrorist strike, a simple Cost-benefit analysis can show that it would be easier and way less...
  11. RedBaron

    Siachen Glacier, Fighting On The Roof Of The World

    A thought-provoking article by Dr Ali, thanks for posting it, Fatman. While its true that Mumbai was a tragedy of epic proportions, not only for the victims but also for Indo-Pak relations, all is not lost. But there is no doubt the attack has thrown a spanner in the works of any peace deal on...
  12. RedBaron

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    IA/IAF will not lose sleep over US shipping some helis to PA...though they undoubtedly are lethal machines, they don't affect the military balance in any significant way. Though I'm not Pakistani, I could not agree more. IMO, the threat is underestimated by the general public as they don't see...
  13. RedBaron

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    The ops will be bloody and PA casualties will inevitably be heavy to very heavy which can turn public opinion really quickly against GoP. The US can help in a big way here...I'm reading an excellent book called Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance by Atul Gawande, a Harvard-trained surgeon...
  14. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    I agree that controlling Helmand will shut off the opium cashflow. But even with the planned 17,000 more boots, do coalition forces/ANA have enough boots to fight and hold the entire province? I would expect atleast 100,000 troops deployed for 2-3 years to crush the Taliban and secure the...
  15. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    The new unified Council for United Mujahideen, formed with the blessing of Mullah Omar and OBL is the new face of AQ. As long as they're in business, they will pose a serious threat to Afghanistan and to coalition forces. On a different note, the impending Helmand action also explains why US...
  16. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    I'm not queasy about spike in coalition effort or casualties, but about the so-called negotiations GoA plans to conduct with the Taliban, real or imaginary, this disjointed strategy is worrying. I am following events keenly though. Helmand is Ground Zero, and everyone knows it, including the new...
  17. RedBaron

    RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency

    Interesting, but hard to believe some of it. The so-called agreement between ISI and RAW brokered by the Jordanian prince sounds like fiction. Has Siddiqa's account been corroborated by any other sources? Punjab was a cauldron for a decade since '85 and remained so till Ribeiro's men...
  18. RedBaron

    Hang Kasab near Gateway of India, says Munde

    Note that he is a BJP candidate standing for re-election. This is just election bluster intended to "show" people that BJP will handle terror better than Congress. I would not listen to any politician till elections are over and the new gov't is sworn in...and there will be no public hangings...
  19. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    This is some good footage...similar to another one I saw last year shot by Frontline. The story was pretty similar too...companies laboriously scouring the rocky and dusty countryside on foot, isolated firefights, IED search. In the other one, at dusk, they actually find some five IEDs before a...
  20. RedBaron

    Pictures of Women in the Armed Forces

    WOW.....these are the REAL Weapons of Mass Destruction...:cheers::whistle:
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