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  1. K

    Chinese Freedom!

    hi Salim, Hukou System is far from your acknowlege.I partly agree with the point of ashfaque. It is an efficient orgnization system. This system has no relateship with so-called communism's devil. It can be traced to 300 years B.C. Old chinese governor use it to orgnize or "control" his people...
  2. K

    Chinese 'incursions' across LAC

    For some points of view, there is no creditable media. They get financial support from all kind of political group. They usually have their own politic view. And people usually lead or mislead by all kind of media. So Chinese CCTV always says everything runs ok. And BBC/CNN always says...
  3. K

    Chinese 'incursions' across LAC

    From the point of view of strategic,LAC is more important for India than China, because China have enough strategic buffer after the LAC. LAC is far from Chinese economical center. PLA can block India's attack thousands of times before they can touch China's economical center. But if PLA try to...
  4. K

    Chinese 'incursions' across LAC

    Sure, the main media of Chinese is busy on economy,Paralympic Games or something else. only few guys care about the LAC. It is far from their life.
  5. K

    Chinese 'incursions' across LAC

    What's my said is the essential of international affairs. The national border is usually made by strength of the nations. So-called Nationalism is far from my mind. I am not a young guy just graduated from college. I just care about the real interest for China. I don't think it will benefit...
  6. K

    Chinese 'incursions' across LAC

    LAC is actually decided by strength of nation. But I doubt that Chinese govenment has enough strength to take aggressive action in south of Tibet. Chinese govenment is facing great domestic economical problem. That is the biggest risk for Chinese instead of so-called "LAC".
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