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  1. Twain Shakespeare

    Syria Strategy: Call the Monarchies' Bluff

    Smart New Syria Strategy: Call the Monarchies' Bluff and Make Them Do What They Are Demanding of You! by Nicholas Noe For a regime which has, as ICG put it, really inflicted so many wounds on itself (not to mention Syrians) . . . this strikes me as a very effective strategy going forward...
  2. Twain Shakespeare

    What do you read?

    What do you read? (Aside from Q'ran) There is plenty of talk about the religion elsewhere. 1.What books (genres) do you read? 2.What is your favorite book(s) or author(s)? 3.What book(s) most influenced you? My answers 1. First to least, Science fiction, science, history...
  3. Twain Shakespeare

    The Arab Autumn

    The Arab Autumn Three Big Challenges Threatening the Arab Uprisings by ESAM AL-AMIN With the fall of Muammar Qaddafi’s headquarters in Bab Al-Aziziyyah in Tripoli on August 23, Libya became the third country to oust its long-serving dictator after the fall of Tunisia’s Zein-al-bedin Ben Ali...
  4. Twain Shakespeare

    US Policy and Christianity: 2 Articles

    The first article explains how Christian Fascism plans to complete its take over of "God's Country" Dominionism Hits the Big Time Politics and the Prayer Warriors by LAWRENCE SWAIM Dominionism is a totalitarian movement within Christian evangelicalism that aims at taking over the centers...
  5. Twain Shakespeare

    an atrocity beyond any act of terrorism in history

    It is September 11. Never forget. What Nixon, Kissinger, and Pinochet did to Chile on this day is an atrocity beyond any act of terrorism in history
  6. Twain Shakespeare

    FBI CounterIntelPro Ops against Muslims

    This thread is intended to provide further information about the tactics described in the incident below. FBI Mole Banned by Mosque – 'Because He was Too Extreme' Here is the source of the article below. The FBI Goes Rogue » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Entrapment...
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