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  1. NiceGuy

    China 'Put Out Feelers' on Joining TPP

    Obama: China 'Put Out Feelers' on Joining TPP U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a town hall meeting with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Fellows (YSEALI) at the White House, June 1, 2015. Victor Beattie Last updated on: June 04, 2015 8:38 AM President Barack Obama says...
  2. NiceGuy

    Chinese ships patrol area contested by Malaysia

    The three Chinese Naval Forces vessels which include an amphibious landing ship complemented with armed marines detachments have been conducting ‘exercise’ in the James Shoal, 50 nautical miles off Bintulu. Riong Kali dot com story: Chinese ships patrol area contested by Malaysia JANUARY 26...
  3. NiceGuy

    Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?

    Translated by Goole. The Gaven Reefs (Chinese: Nanxun Jiao 南薰礁 and Xinan Jiao 西南礁, Vietnamese: Đá Ga Ven and "Đá Lạc") is a group of two reefs in the Tizard Bank of the Spratly Islands. Was it a revenge from VN after 1988 incident ? Hope Chinese here can translate the news into English more...
  4. NiceGuy

    US signs nuclear technology deal with Vietnam

    It seems like We soon can make our own Nuke warhead for our nuke capable missile Shaddock secretly:woot:
  5. NiceGuy

    Sep 2, 1945: Vietnam independence proclaimed

    Hours after Japan's surrender in World War II, Vietnamese communist Ho Chi Minh declares the independence of Vietnam from France. The proclamation paraphrased the U.S. Declaration of Independence in declaring, "All men are born equal: the Creator has given us inviolable rights, life, liberty...
  6. NiceGuy

    VietNam first-ever confidence vote.

    Vietnam’s prime minister survives confidence vote, but with weakened position By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, June 11, 3:04 PM HANOI, Vietnam — Vietnamese lawmakers handed the prime minister a grudging mandate in the country’s first ever confidence vote, a ballot seen...
  7. NiceGuy

    Protest in Beijing over worker's death

    Police helicopters hover over protesters in Beijing Seem.like China is very unstable now,people cant stand corruption and unfair judgement any more,just likeThe Tiananmen Square protests of 1989:pop:
  8. NiceGuy

    Stuck in Reverse, Detroit Edges Closer to Bankruptcy

    [/IMG] Spray paint on the front of a vacant and blighted home says the gas and water utilities have been turned off in the east side neighborhood I predict that US will fall after 30 years just like Mongol fall after 100 year rulling the World, but look like US even falling faster than I...
  9. NiceGuy

    Russian nuclear bombers intercepted near Guam

    As l predicted ,with a naval base in Cam Ranh-VietNam, Russia soon will take over poor-lonely Guam from US.Captain Ameria Jhungary should realise that lm not just trolling:pop: Soviet naval base in Cam Ranh-VN before 1990
  10. NiceGuy

    US Marines Heading to Vietnam, Cambodia(for “Asian pivot” plan)

    US will cut deeply its military budgets this year, so, its time to help VN to become No 1 in ASEAN, then we will not cut your oil and food supply to ur poor Guam :lol:
  11. NiceGuy

    VietNam-Laos-Cambodia .

    Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia boost ties Updated: 10:26PM (GMT+7), Sun, December 23, 2012 A meeting between staff from the Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian embassies in Japan was held in Tokyo on December 22 to increase mutual understanding and promote friendship and co-operation. Vietnamese...
  12. NiceGuy

    Sea Launch space center to be moved to Cam Ranh base-Vietnam

    To English Time for VietNam to become regional power, let's go back to top five of most powerful military countries on earth :woot:
  13. NiceGuy

    Taiwan’s ex-leader Lee: Senkaku is Japanese territory :))

    Ouch , TWnese love JP more than China :what:
  14. NiceGuy

    China submits baselines of the territorial waters around Diaoyu Islands :))

    As I remember all chinese here always say: 'it's no use to bring the territorial disputes to UN':blah::blah: So, it's obvious that: China has No evidences for her claims in SCS(east sea) that's why, she dare not submits her evidences in SCS(east sea) to UN.:blah:
  15. NiceGuy

    Xi Jinping and He Guoqiang injured in assassination attempt

    Ah hem...no comment:coffee:
  16. NiceGuy

    (APEC)Hu skips talks with Aquino

    Singapore where Chinese constitute 80.1% of Singapore's resident keep sticking with US, Phil bluntly say "No" to China. Camb-Lao remain to be special friends with VN , Myanmar cancel many China's project etc... It seems like china's agressive policy is isolating hershelf:coffee:
  17. NiceGuy

    Vietnam, China hold strategic defence talks

    It seems like general Ma agree that SCS can be called East sea,too when he heard that our Kilos soon will arrive and will ambush china's ships in Malacca after that :lol:
  18. NiceGuy

    Vietnam Ready to Host Russian Maritime Base.

    Oh yeah, time to shake hand with mighty Soviet again and crush chinese mailand and chinese in ASEAN :cheers: Soviet navy in Cam Ranh before 1990 :smokin:
  19. NiceGuy

    China hope foreigner will drill oil for China in SCS(east sea):lol

    So Third most powerful military on earth like China finally has to bends her knee and begs for US's support in conflict with small and poor VN again ???:lol: What kind of Third most powerful military is it ?? Your PLAAF with "super jet" Q-5 is not strong enough to fight alone ??:lol:
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