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    US military unveils smart gun XM-25

    A new gun the US military hopes will help take on the Taliban has been unveiled. Called the XM-25 it has been described by the US Army as a 'game changer'. It uses a laser guidance system and specially developed 25mm high explosive rounds which can be programmed to detonate over a target...
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    Top Balochistan minister alleges extrajudicial killings by security forces

    Pakistan's security agencies are involved in extrajudicial killings in Balochistan, the province's chief minister says. Sardar Aslam Raisani told the BBC some of the political killings were "definitely" by security agencies. Human rights organisations say kidnappings and murders of...
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    US chopper goes down in Afghanistan

    US chopper goes down in Afghanistan A US helicopter has crashed in the eastern Afghan province of Wardak due to a technical glitch, NATO has said in a statement. The US-led military alliance said no one was killed or wounded in the crash. The Taliban, however, claimed to have shot...
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    Saudi king and crown prince very sick

    The illness of 86-year-old King Abdullah has fueled speculations over the potential successor to Saudi Arabia's monarch. The following is the transcript of Press TV's interview with Ali al-Ahmed, Director of IGA (Institute for [Persian] Gulf Affairs) about the issue: Press TV: There are...
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    South Korean navy ship sinks near disputed islands

    I have picked up some news that another South Korean navy ship has sunken near the disputed islands between North and south-Korea. How and what happened is stil unkown. I hope North Korea is not involved, because that means really trouble.
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    French diplomat: Israel gearing up for attacking Lebanon

    'Israel gearing up for attacking Lebanon' Israel is reportedly completing the preparations of another war against Lebanon, four years after suffering a crushing defeat from the country's resistance movement Hezbollah. Lebanon's leading daily newspaper As-Safir quoted an unnamed French...
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    Iran to test domestically built S300

    Iran says it will soon test fire its own domestically built S300 missile system, reacting to Russia's refusal to honor its sale of the defensive anti-air system to the country. Brig. Gen. Mohammad Hassan Mansourian, a deputy commander at Khatam al-Anbiya Anti-Aircraft Artillery Base...
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    Iraq: Saddam's project Babylon Supergun / PC-2

    Project Babylon Supergun / PC-2 Early in the war with Iran, the Iraqi government engaged world- renowned artillery expert Gerald V. Bull, whose lifetime obsession was a the construction of a "Supergun," a huge howitzer able to fire satellites into space or launch artillery shells thousands of...
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    6 NATO drones crash in 2 months in Afghanistan/Pakistan

    Did somebody notice the crash of 6 NATO drones in less than two months? Did they just crash due technical problems or has some Taliban hacker figured how to bring them down or have they been shot down? US drone crashes in Afghanistan Tue Nov 2, 2010 10:39AM NATO reconnaissance plane...
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    Pakistan 'to reopen key Nato Afghanistan supply route'

    Pakistan is to reopen a crucial overland supply route for Nato forces in Afghanistan with immediate effect, the country's foreign ministry says. The main north-western crossing at Torkham was closed 10 days ago after a cross-border air strike by Nato forces which left two Pakistani soldiers...
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    Two more drone attacks in Pakistan kill 9 people

    Two non-UN-sanctioned US drone attacks on Pakistan's North Waziristan region have killed at least nine people and wounded several others. Security officials say the drone fired two missiles on suspected militant compounds along the Afghan border. One missile hit the town of Mohammad Khel...
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    Moroccan Armed forces

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    NATO drone crashes on Pakistan/Afghanistan border

    An unmanned aerial vehicle operated by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has crashed in eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. The drone crashed on Thursday in the remote Paktika province near the border with Pakistan's troubled South Waziristan, the ISAF...
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