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    Chinese Aircraft Carrier: Active Phased Radar Installed

    From china-defense.blogspot http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/464/44294374.jpg http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/807/57314720.jpg http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/8179/73315683.jpg :china::pakistan:
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    WB notches up China growth forecast to 9.3%

    shanghaidaily By Wang Yanlin "The World Bank has raised its forecast for China's 2011 economic growth rate to 9.3 percent from 9 percent and called for full normalization of the macroeconomic stance to contain risks of inflation and the property market. "China's economic outlook remains...
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    Free Assange China should nominate Wikileaks founder for Nobel Prize.

    An appeal from the net - madammiaow.com "With US politicians calling for Wikileaks whistleblowing founder Julian Assange to be abducted and assassinated and not necessarily in that order, and his current incarceration in Her Majesty's Wandsworth Prison for alleged todger offences, one way or...
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    Kremlin suggests Wikileaks founder for Nobel Prize

    From Rianovosti "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be nominated for a Nobel prize, a source in the Kremlin told RIA Novosti on Wednesday. "Non-governmental and governmental organizations should think of ways to help him. Perhaps he could be awarded a Nobel prize," the source said...
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    The Undercover Indian:We need Toilets not Temples - Why are we dirty people?

    From the undercoverindian.com: "Mark Twain once said about India that anything that can be done by man or God, has been done in this land . In one of discussions on India Poised, Jaggi Vasudev said an interesting thing that "in all the talk (in India) about divinity and gretness of country we...
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    India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation’s Growth

    From Bloomberg: "Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place. Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her neighbors had soiled, the mother of three pulled up her...
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    Is India the dirtiest country in the world?

    Interesting article from Economics Blog-Economix and other opinions. It is an Indian native who has written the following: "I live in the UK, but love visiting India even as one of the ubiquitous NRIs. The warmth of family and friends cannot be replicated anywhere else. The beauty of the...
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    Iran and Kazakhstan surpassed India in the Asian Games

    RANK COUNTRY G S B T 1 China 199 119 98 416 2 South Korea 76 65 91 232 3 Japan 48 74 94 216 4 Iran 20 14 25 59 5 Kazakhstan 18 23 38 79 6 India 14 17 33 64 7...
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    Asian Games medal tally 2010 shows China's dominance in world sports

    From khabrein.info Asian Games medal tally 2010 shows China's dominance in world sports. China done it in Guangzhou too, eyes on London Olympics ‘To do like China’ would be the maxim of Games world in coming years. China has showcased its clout with a golden finish at Guangzhou after a...
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    Objective of Obama's visit to India-Sale of WMD

    The contrast of two visits-that of comrade Hu to France and that of Obama to India. The former is mainly economic with the objective of sustaining the economic growth of China while the latter is purely strategic and military that of selling a maximun of WMD and selling of the most deadly US...
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    The Most Beautiful Woman in the World is Muslim

    At the beginning of this year I came to meet a very beautiful woman. She was my supervising officer. As sang by Elvis, when I first met her, with her smile so tender, with her sparkling eyes so magnificent, my heart was captured and my soul surrendered. I worked under her supervision for one...
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