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  1. temujin

    Qatar offers visa-free entry to 80 nationalities

    Qatar offers visa-free entry to 80 nationalities Qatar, isolated by its neighbours in a diplomatic crisis, announced on Wednesday a visa-free entry programme for 80 nationalities to stimulate air transport and tourism. "The visa exemption scheme will make Qatar the most open country in the...
  2. temujin

    JNU row- the growing Dalit Islamist nexus?

    On visiting Rohit Vemula’s FB page soon after his death I was intrigued by the fact that, judging by the tributes on his Facebook page, the guy had a big fan base among Muslims. Beyond the customary messages of condolence, solidarity etc, it was odd that many of the Muslim contributors were...
  3. temujin

    ISIS:The British Women Supporters Unveiled-Channel 4 Documentary

    Its a shame the undercover agent was rumbled a couple of weeks into filming but the couple of visits to 'study circle' she managed did yield some interesting footage. I'd imagine this or worse is going in towns and cities across Europe. The chief conspirator featured in the film, Rubana Akhtar...
  4. temujin

    Saudi Arabia may go broke before the US oil industry buckles

    Saudi Arabia may go broke before the US oil industry buckles - Telegraph Saudi Arabia may go broke before the US oil industry buckles It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution. The cartel faces the prospect of surging US output whenever oil prices rise If the oil futures market...
  5. temujin

    Muslim campaigner: 'Zionists crept into my home and stole my shoe'

    Muslim campaigner: 'Zionists crept into my home and stole my shoe' Asghar Bukhari was ridiculed on social media after claiming someone took his footwear while he was asleep in order to intimidate him A founding member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK urged people to share his bizarre...
  6. temujin

    Islam is defined by its followers. We moderate Muslims must act

    Paris Charlie Hebdo massacre: We moderate Muslims must act - Telegraph Islam is defined by its followers. We moderate Muslims must act Paris Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack: It’s vital should a religion be ‘hijacked’ in any way, that the majority of its followers at least discuss the problem...
  7. temujin

    Germans take to the streets to protest against 'Islamisation'

    Anti-immigrant protests claim to want to preserve Judeo-Christian culture as critics accuse it of harbouring neo-Nazi elements Germans take to the streets to protest against 'Islamisation' - Telegraph A new type of anti-immigration protest is sweeping across Germany, as thousands take to the...
  8. temujin

    Saudis risk playing with fire in shale-price showdown as crude crashes

    Saudis risk playing with fire in shale-price showdown as crude crashes Saudis risk playing with fire in shale-price showdown as crude crashes - Telegraph A deep slump in prices might heighten geostrategic turmoil across the Middle East Saudi Arabia and the core Opec states are taking an...
  9. temujin

    Antonia Maino's first love...

    This obviously has nothing to do with defence matters just a bit of idle gossip which some members may find interesting...However, it does offer a fascinating insight into Antonia Maino's pre Rajiv days, not least the fact that she was sleeping around from the age of 14 with a man twice her age...
  10. temujin

    Woman 'beheaded' in Oklahoma by colleague in IS copycat attack

    Woman 'beheaded' in Oklahoma - Telegraph Alton Nolen allegedly beheaded a co-worker after being fired from his job where he had recently tried to convert people to Islam A woman has been beheaded in an Oklahoma food processing plant by a sacked employee who had allegedly tried to convert his...
  11. temujin

    George Galloway's speech during the Iraqi debate in the House of Commons-26.09.2014

    Although normally a loathsome character devoid of principles, George does on this occasion make a fee valid points which any sensible person would find hard to disagree with. Although the West is anxious to finish off ISIL due to the number of Western fighters among its ranks, it should really...
  12. temujin

    Incest a 'fundamental right', German Committee says

    Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says Anti-incest laws in Germany could be scrapped after a government-backed group said relationships between brothers and sisters should be legal Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government...
  13. temujin

    Gotcha!Anjem Choudhary arrested

    Anjem Choudary among nine men arrested by counter-terror police The men, who were all seized in London, were arrested as part of an investigation into Islamist terrorism Anjem Choudary, the radical preacher, was one of nine men arrested today by Scotland Yard officers as part of an...
  14. temujin

    China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years

    China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years MUMBAI: Chinese president Xi Jinping will bring along with him $100 billion or Rs 6 lakh crore of investment commitments over five years during his upcoming India visit next week. This is nearly thrice the $35 billion secured by Prime Minister...
  15. temujin

    Ukraine accuses Russia of direct invasion in Donbass, seeks EU military intervention

    Breaking news...seems like a significant escalation of the conflict. Follow live updates on Torygraph.. Ukraine-Russia crisis: Russian forces brought into Ukraine, says Petro Poroshenko - live Ukrainian president cancels trip to Turkey because of the rapidly deteriorating situation in the...
  16. temujin

    India grants author Tasleema Nasreen residency visa

    India grants residential visa to Taslima Nasreen NEW DELHI: Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen on Saturday was granted residential visa by India following her meeting with Union home minister Rajnath Singh seeking long-term extension of her residence permit earlier in the day. "I met Singh...
  17. temujin

    Sri Lanka to deport Buddha tattoo British woman

    BBC News - Sri Lanka to deport Buddha tattoo British woman Sri Lanka to deport Buddha tattoo British woman A British tourist is to be deported from Sri Lanka because of a Buddha tattoo on her arm. Naomi Coleman was arrested as she arrived at the airport in the capital Colombo after authorities...
  18. temujin

    Russia ships first oil from disputed offshore artic platform

    Russia ships first oil from disputed offshore Arctic platform 70,000-tonnes tanker loaded at Prirazlomnoye field * Putin says project to boost Russia's global energy share * Arctic has 20 percent of world's undiscovered reserves By Alexei Anishchuk NOVO-OGARYOVO, Russia, April 18 (Reuters)...
  19. temujin

    American in Ukrainian uniform caught in Kharkiv

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=TysGhYvUofM Gotcha!!!!
  20. temujin

    Ukraine: Revolution over- people prepare for the pain whilst Wall Street cashes in

    Those who thronged 'Euromaidan' in the hope that severing ties with Moscow would open the doors to Europe and lead to economic growth and prosperity are learning a very hard lesson about the 'Western economic model'. Ironically, its Russian banks, which continued to buy Ukrainian bonds at huge...
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