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  1. SABRE

    Flankers vs Gripens: What Happened at the Falcon Strike 2015 Exercise?

    This is a good read. Should put things in perspective for just about everyone. ----------------------------- Flankers vs Gripens: What Happened at the Falcon Strike 2015 Exercise? A Chinese test pilot’s lecture in December 2019 about the exercise sparked renewed discussion over the details...
  2. SABRE

    Karachi UFO

    My brother found something flying in the sky above Karachi just a little while ago. I have uploaded the video I made, which is unfortunately not clear. It looked like a star (completely illuminated) and maintained a horizontal flight. Usually, we can hear the sound of an aircraft at that...
  3. SABRE

    Credible Info on Wladyslaw Turowicz

    Didn't know where to ask this query but since all things relating to missiles and rockets logically belong in this section of the website so I am posting here. Does anyone have knowledge of any substantiated source or data on Air Commodore Wladyslaw Turowicz's contribution to Pakistan's rocket...
  4. SABRE

    Commentary: Palm oil for fighter jets? The illusion of defence in Malaysia

    Don't know where to post this or whether it has been posted before. But since it comes down to JF-17 so here it is. Commentary: Palm oil for fighter jets? The illusion of defence in Malaysia...
  5. SABRE

    Russia, Turkey jointly developing aircraft: Russian arms exporter

    Russia, Turkey jointly developing aircraft: Russian arms exporter http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-04/30/c_138022944.htm MOSCOW, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Russia and Turkey are jointly developing advanced aircraft and helicopter systems and armored vehicle components, Russian state-run arms...
  6. SABRE

    Indian Media Propaganda Busted l No blast or plane crash in Multan

    Heard a PAF/military aircraft caught fire at Multan Airport. Anyone got any news on this?
  7. SABRE

    As we debate Balakot airstrike, 53 years ago today: Indira Gandhi ordered IAF to drop bombs in India

    Found this interesting so sharing. No other intention behind it. I am actually more interested in mautam, which seems to take place twice a century, than this event. ------------ As we debate Balakot airstrike, 53 years ago today: Indira Gandhi ordered IAF to drop bombs in India...
  8. SABRE

    Fake WhatsApp chat shared on social media to claim 292 terrorists killed in Balakot airstrike

    If you guys don't laugh at this, you should cry. Thanks to Pooja Chaudhuri (Author/Analyst/Debunker) -------------- Fake WhatsApp chat shared on social media to claim 292 terrorists killed in Balakot airstrike...
  9. SABRE

    Returning Abhinandan: To Do, or Not to Do?

    There seems to a little discussion on our guest. The government has decided to hand him over tomorrow & Indian media's is doing despicable politics with it. In my opinion, his release should have been subject to National Assembly's debate & as per Geneva Convention, he should be released once...
  10. SABRE

    India-Pakistan tensions spread from Asia to European markets

    India-Pakistan tensions spread from Asia to European markets https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets/india-pakistan-tensions-spread-from-asia-to-european-markets-idUSKCN1QG05T https://www.yahoo.com/news/global-markets-asia-shares-tick-dollar-near-three-012908536--finance.html...
  11. SABRE

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem By Peter Lee May 20, 2009 "Counterpunch" -- - As AFP tells us, the Institute for Science and International Security just published a report on Pakistan’s nuclear program that seems designed to pour...
  12. SABRE

    10,000 men protecting N-assets: official

    10,000 men protecting N-assets: official By Kamran Yousaf Thursday, 28 May, 2009 | 04:16 AM PST | DAWN.COM | Pakistan | 10,000 men protecting N-assets: official ISLAMABAD: A senior official of the country’s premier defence nuclear establishment has said that a large force of nearly 10,000...
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