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  1. ptldM3

    Turkish threads.

    The Middle East and African section has been inundated with Turkish military threads, most are redundant since the same things are posted in the Turkish Defense Forum. Many of the threads are also of no value and contain nothing more then an info graph and a short paragraph or two and a lot of...
  2. ptldM3

    Actor from fake gas attack speaks.

    With Russian reporter after being “gassed”. Here is one of the children that was supposedly “gased” from a video that sparked outrage. He said militants started creaming for people to run to the hospital. After which the white helmets (known for faking videos) broke into hospital and...
  3. ptldM3

    Russian TV Airs Yulia Skripal Phone Call With A Relative: She and Dad Are Fine!

    The most powerful nerve agent in the world with no antidote and Yulia and her dad are completely fine and talking. Probably had mixed alcohol with Tylenol and whala, it was some Russian never agent :lol:
  4. ptldM3

    Russian chemical weapons used in Syria.

    I have been trying to find evidence of Russians using chemical weapons and barrel bombs in Syria since a few Turkish members as well as a few others keep accusing Russia of doing so but so far nothing. @Islamic faith&Secularism post your sources, I am legitimately curious as to where you get...
  5. ptldM3

    Russia denies newspaper report 7 planes destroyed in Syria.

    http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1ET0VX (Reuters) - Russia denied a report in daily newspaper Kommersant that seven Russian planes had been destroyed by rebel shelling at Syria's Hmeymim air base on Dec. 31, the TASS news agency on Thursday quoted the defence ministry as saying...
  6. ptldM3

    Former head of Mossad acknowledged Israel helps Al-Quida.

    Former Mossad director admits Israel helped Al-Quida fighters. Nothing new, Israel bombed Syrian forces fighting ISIS in Palmyra a few days ago and it's not the first time. Israel is directly aiding ISIS by bombing their opponents for them. Israel should be hit with sanctions for aiding ISIS...
  7. ptldM3

    Voting and standards for promotions.

    From spending 7+ years on this forum, I have seen it all. I have experienced the positive aspects of this forum and the negative. I am proposing a minimum of atleast 2 years on the forum and a voting system with polls. The moderators select members who they believe are worthy and regular...
  8. ptldM3

    Gym etiquette

    After going to the gym 6 months I have noticed certain things that D-bags do that are considered poor etiquette. If anyone has more to add please do. Here is what annoys me: The people that grab (or hog) a set of dumbbells and barbells at the same time. Esspecially annoying when you want...
  9. ptldM3

    Iraq accuses Turkey of violating airspace...sparking world war.

    Turkey risks sparking world war, says Iraq's Maliki Baghdad (AFP) - Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki Thursday accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of pushing the world to the brink of a global conflict after Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane. Maliki, a former prime minister...
  10. ptldM3

    T90 Compared with Al Khalid

    @Dazzler asked me to open this thread. Edit some moderator thought it would be funny to change the title from T-90 to Arjun. He wanted me to open a thread about the T-90SM/T-90A vs Al-Khalid because he made many claims but refused to answer them in the very thread he made the comments in. Or...
  11. ptldM3

    Moderators in the Russian Defense section.

    Is there a Russian moderator for the Russian defence section or any moderator dedicated for the Russian section of this forum? It seems that of all the sub-forums on Pakistan Defence Forum the Russian defence section is the most overlooked and has been getting trolled mere severely as of late...
  12. ptldM3

    Altay Comparison to Competitors

    Altay vs. The Competition Mod edit There are very few tanks that have an true active protection system the merkava being one and the armata being the other, and by true active protection system i mean a hard kill system that destroys the missile before it makes impact. As for armata its...
  13. ptldM3

    Speaker at Pro-Putin Rally in London Fights the Crowd

    LONDON—A rare Western fundraiser held in support of pro-Russian rebel areas in eastern Ukraine was interrupted on Thursday night when things got physical between the main speaker and a member of the crowd. Graham Phillips, a star of the Kremlin-funded TV network RT during the rebellion, rushed...
  14. ptldM3

    1980's nostalgia with pictures.

  15. ptldM3

    How to diagnos if you suffer from acute troll syndrome

    I am curious as to how many other people have symptoms or show signs. Should i seek attention? I have bad posture Crumb pile Pale indoor complexion Bags under eyes Sweat pants (sometimes)
  16. ptldM3

    The best debaters, most memorable members. Part XII

    Nominate members that you feel are very difficult to argue against or that you feel always bring their 'A game' or nominate members that are just memorable or enjoyable to debate against. @Penguin (quotes sources a lot ) @gambit (knowledgable and frustrates a lot of people...apparently)...
  17. ptldM3

    South Korea opts for KAI-Lockheed in $7.8 bln fighter deal

    Seoul (AFP) - South Korea on Monday selected Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and partner Lockheed Martin as the preferred bidder for a multi-billion-dollar contract to develop 120 "indigenous" fighter jets. The bid from KAI and the US aerospace giant was always seen as the favourite for the...
  18. ptldM3

    Your Zombie kit

    With all of the craze in zombies wheather it be movies, television or novelty items such as zombie ammunition or zombie patches, weapons upgrades, ect, ect, it thought I would make a thread where everyone posts their zombie survival items. No I'm not crazy :mod: I am just in the spirit...
  19. ptldM3

    Martian2's 'objective' views.

    Our dearly respected, knowledgable and 'objective' member Martian (sarcasm) has constantly contradicted, refused to prove his claims with credible sources, and outright fabricated claims. Moreover, he has consistently ignored sources that disproved his claims. On a daily basis he compares...
  20. ptldM3

    Are You A Sociopath?

    Take the quick test and find out: Are You A Sociopath? My result are: You exhibit some sociopath behaviors. :smitten: You have 9 points for 24 Questions.You are for 63 % pure!
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