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    Apple rejects app for tracking U.S. drone strikes

    Drone+, which tracks media reports of casualties and maps locations of drone strikes, was rejected by the App Store for "objectionable" content. Apple has rejected an iPhone app designed to keep track of fatalities caused by U.S. drone strikes for its "objectionable" content. The company...
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    BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre'

    Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources. The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of...
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    US-CIA Promoted Terrorism in Liberia

    Charles Taylor 'worked' for CIA in Liberia Charles Taylor as a rebel leader in the 1990s Charles Taylor was a CIA informant in the 1980s US authorities say former Liberian leader Charles Taylor worked for its intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the Boston Globe reports. The...
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    US-India Think Tank Report w.r.t Pakistan's Worst Scenario

    India, US urged to prepare for ‘worst case Pakistan scenarios’ WASHINGTON, Sept 18: The United States and India should begin classified exchanges on multiple Pakistan contingencies, including the collapse of the Pakistan state and the spectre of the Pakistani military losing control of its...
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    US Judge:“The government made them terrorists. .. I am not proud of my gov"

    ‘Terms of entrapment’: US judge assails her govt’s anti-terror tactics NEW YORK, Sept 8: The last of four men convicted in an FBI sting operation was sentenced on Wednesday to 25 years in prison by a judge who said she was not proud of her government for its role in nurturing the plot to bomb...
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    Drone Plane Converted to Airborne Hacking Platform

    Digital death rains from above! A pair of security researchers have turned a surplus U.S. Army drone plane into an airborne hacking platform that infiltrates Wi-Fi networks, intercepts cellphone calls, and even launches denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, according to media reports from the Black...
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    Peshawar mosque ulema refuse to accept Reut-i-Hilal committee

    ISLAMABAD, July 22: Efforts of the Senate’s standing committee on religious affairs to observe Ramazan and Eid on same days throughout the country went futile on Friday when clerics from Peshawar’s Qasim Khan Mosque refused to accept the authority of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee. A meeting of...
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    Leon Panetta on Iraq

    Panetta makes 9/11 gaffe in Iraq BAGHDAD — Newly appointed US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta told American troops in Baghdad on Monday that 9/11 was the reason they were in Iraq, before he was quickly corrected by his spokesman. "The reason you guys are here is because of 9/11. The US...
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    Bush should face criminal probe over post-9/11 'torture,' HRW

    Former President George W. Bush, as well as his vice president, Defense secretary, and CIA director should all face a criminal investigation for their alleged authorization of torture and other war crimes during their tenure in office following the 9/11 attacks in 2001, according to a report...
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    U.S. and Pakistan: Afghan Strategies

    By George Friedman U.S. President Barack Obama will give a speech on Afghanistan on June 22. Whatever he says, it is becoming apparent that the United States is exploring ways to accelerate the drawdown of its forces in the country. It is also clear that U.S. relations with Pakistan are...
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    Reports: US man held in Egypt as Israeli spy

    Egypt arrested a man on Sunday — identified in Israeli media reports as a U.S. citizen — suspected of spying for Israel and recruiting agents to destabilize Egypt, a prosecutor and judicial sources said. The MENA news agency said the man worked for Israel's Mossad intelligence service. It...
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    British Private Security Contractors held by Eriteria

    The Eritrean government says the men were detained as they tried to leave Eritrean waters without permission and searches then found a weapons cache. The private security firm the men work for says they were en route to provide security for ships in the region. A media release attributed...
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    Pakistan: Value added cement export to Malaysia

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysian customs authorities say they have seized unprocessed heroin worth $12 million from a cargo ship from Pakistan. A Customs Department representative says officials found 475 pounds (215 kilograms) of the drug stashed in 278 cement bags aboard a vessel at the...
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    US bases in Afghanistan

    By A.G. Noorani | From the Newspaper IT is about time the United States clearly defined its interests in Afghanistan, the objectives it aims to accomplish and stated candidly and publicly the policy it proposes to pursue. The situation today is radically different from what it was on 9/11...
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    Pakistan's health-care insurance NGO

    Shah is one of some 13,000 low-income workers in Pakistan signed on to the Naya Jeevan program. It was founded in 2007 by surgeon-turned-social entrepreneur Asher Hasan and began operating in Pakistan last summer. "In Pakistan, privileged people can afford their care," Dr. Hasan explains...
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    Turkey and France clash over Libya air campaign

    Turkey has launched a bitter attack on French president Nicolas Sarkozy's and France's leadership of the military campaign against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, accusing the French of lacking a conscience in their conduct in the Libyan operations. The vitriolic criticism, from both the prime...
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    Killing Arab Revolutions: Western Military intervention in Libya

    It's as if the bloodbaths of Iraq and Afghanistan had been a bad dream. The liberal interventionists are back. As insurrection and repression has split Libya in two and the death toll has mounted, the old Bush-and-Blair battle-cries have returned to haunt us. The same western leaders who...
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    Indian President was Domestic Help for Indira Gandhi

    A minister in the Indian state of Rajasthan has quit after a row over disparaging remarks he made about President Pratibha Patil. Amin Khan said she was appointed president for services to the ruling Congress party, which included cooking food and washing dishes in former prime minister...
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    BD bans Maududi

    BBC News, Dhaka The government wants to curb the Jamaat-e-Islami party The Bangladeshi government has ordered mosques and libraries across the country to remove all books written by a controversial Islamic scholar. The chief of the government-funded Islamic Foundation told the BBC that...
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    In India: Maoists are Pakistanis

    It’s baking hot in Delhi, but there is a spring in the walk of its Pakistani diplomatic community. Some are savouring the prospects of a new posting, reward for helping their country weather the storm that came with the Mumbai terror attacks. Others are busy with next month’s visit to Islamabad...
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