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    China to extend anti-dumping duties on imported photographic paper from EU, US and Japan

    Source:Xinhua Published: 2018/3/22 16:19:55 China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced Thursday that it will continue to levy anti-dumping duties on photographic paper imported from the European Union, the United States, and Japan. The MOC said in a ruling that importers of the products...
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    Blame China? Why not to blame yourself first !

    1.Attendees of OBOR Forum from South Asia nations: Pakistan: PM, Srilanka: PM, Nepal: Vice PM. India and Bhutan: Non, BD : An irrelevant minister, slightly better than India and Bhutan. 2. Military treaty with India, Grant a lot of sub contracts to India companies from 24 billion Chinese...
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    MBT 99A going to Pakistan for testing!

    Heard something about MBT99A going to Pakistan already ! Do not have the details!
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    155 Chinese loggers released from Myanmar

    All back to China in tonight or tomorrow morning!
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