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  1. Keysersoze

    secrets of the doomsday bunker..

    Watch from 4.30 for an interesting bit of info re Pakistan's neighbours
  2. Keysersoze

    The 'first true scientist'

    The 'first true scientist' By Professor Jim Al-Khalili University of Surrey Artist's impression of al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham (BBC) An artist's impression of al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham Isaac Newton is, as most will agree, the greatest physicist of all time. At the very least, he is the...
  3. Keysersoze

    The Dark knight.

    Saw this movie recently........... It's totally amazing And I recommend it to everyone...
  4. Keysersoze


    Heathrow worker sacked over stud Amrit Lalji Amrit Lalji wears the stud as part of her Hindu faith A Heathrow Airport worker has been dismissed for wearing a nose stud. Amrit Lalji, 40, of Stanmore, north-west London, who worked for caterers Eurest, said she wore the tiny piercing as a...
  5. Keysersoze

    Hypocrisy of Pakistan's ruling elite

    The BBC Urdu service's Masud Alam says a contempt for the law has always permeated throughout Pakistan's ruling class. Senior government functionaries in Pakistan are fond of complaining, in private, that the nation they are serving is averse to following the dictates of law. Pakistani...
  6. Keysersoze

    Time to book the tickets.......

  7. Keysersoze

    India's 'forgotten' war

    India's 'forgotten' war By Tanya Datta BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents UNLF rebel soldiers with guns The UNFL is one of the largest rebel groups in the north-east More than 15 years ago, Tombi studied advertising in Delhi. These days, he is putting his communication skills to a...
  8. Keysersoze


    According to reports on ARY Martial Law will be declared tommorow....
  9. Keysersoze

    battlefield 2 clan

    Guys I am trying to set up a BF2 clan. Let me know if any of you are interested. Most of my last team is going ona tour to do it for real so I am scuppered at the mo!
  10. Keysersoze

    Indian tour of England

    Is anyone watching this series? Both test matches have been really good.....India look like clinching the second test in style
  11. Keysersoze

    In Canada!

    Well gents as of Friday I will be in Canada So If any of you guys resident In Toronto or Montreal wanna do a PFF meet up send me a Pm and we will hit the local Tim Horton's for a double double with donuts!:coffee:
  12. Keysersoze

    Women fury singes Assam Rifles again

    Women fury singes Assam Rifles again OUR CORRESPONDENT Imphal, May 5: The Assam Rifles today had another run-in with women protesters in Manipur when a veritable female army laid siege to a court to prevent the paramilitary force from retaining custody of a “surrendered militant” whom it...
  13. Keysersoze

    Happy birthday Asim!

    Just wanted to be the first! Have some cake for me dude!
  14. Keysersoze

    Zombie fun!

    Here is a really good flash based game for those of you bored at work! http://www.armorgames.com/games/thelaststand_popup.html Enjoy:tup:
  15. Keysersoze

    U.S. report on Chinese developments

    Foreign Military Acquisitions and PLA Modernization written_testimonies of Richard D. Fisher, Jr., Center for Security Policy, Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission February 6, 2004 I would like to begin by thanking the...
  16. Keysersoze


    Muslim, Indian, and Western historians all see Akbar as the greatest ruler of Indian history. When his father, Humayun, died in 1556, Akbar became padshah ("ruler of the empire") at the age of thirteen. Under the guidance of Bairam Khan, who had been instrumental in Humayun's reconquests of...
  17. Keysersoze

    The Myths of space weapons

    The dozen space weapons myths by James Oberg Monday, March 12, 2007 The successful Chinese anti-satellite missile test two months ago, the launch on Thursday of the Pentagon’s robot rendezvous craft that can service—or terminate—other satellites, and an impending US test of an...
  18. Keysersoze

    Libyan Rafales....

    Libya to order 13-18 French Rafale fighter jets in $3.24 b deal Posted 1-20-2007 at 03:55 PM Libya wants to order between 13 and 18 Rafale fighter jets from France in a deal worth as much as $3.24 billion, a French newspaper reported on Sunday. The weekly Journal du Dimanche, citing a...
  19. Keysersoze

    Who are the militants in Afghanistan?

    Who are the militants in Afghanistan? By Pam O'Toole BBC News Taleban fighters The Taleban are leading the insurgency There has been a huge increase in violent attacks in Afghanistan in recent months, particularly in the south where Nato forces are helping the Afghan government to...
  20. Keysersoze

    Defence production yearbook 2006-07

    I stumbled across this little gem...... It is a good reference for some of the military vehicles we discuss. As well as production numbers! It also gives some very interesting data for discussion! http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/divisions/defenceproduction-division/images/yearbook2006-07.pdf
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