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    Revival of Khalistan

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    Pak Defence Forum Members Meeting

    Is it possible to organize PDF members meeting to discuss the current situation of our country?
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    Sikhs welcomes Pakistan decision to bring Anand Karaj Act

    YouTube - Sikhs welcomes Pakistan decision to bring Anand Karaj Act Sikhs welcomes Pakistan decision to bring Anand Karaj Act
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    Who will Sikhs Support?

    Will Sikhs support and fight against India in case of all out war between India and Pakistan?
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    Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest

    Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest By Bharat Verma Issue: Vol. 23.3 Indians pose the biggest threat to the union of India. The reason is simple. An average Indian does not constitute a nation but is merely an individual. His personal well-being overrides all other considerations...
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    December 16, 1971 - The daring escape of the army aviation unit of Eastern Command

    December 16, 1971 - The daring escape of the army aviation unit of Eastern Command By: Masood anwar, courtesy of Defence Journal December 16, 1971 is part of our history. The day will always be remembered, always talked about and always written about by many and for many years to...
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    Well Done Council Of Khalistan

    The Council of Khalistan "RECOGNIZE YE ALL THE HUMAN RACE AS ONE" Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Tenth Master December 4, 2008 Letters to the Editor The Washington Times 3600 New York Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 Dear Editor: Georgie Anne Geyer raises some good points in her article...
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