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  1. AlpErTunga

    Turkey wants to bolster defense ties with Pakistan.

    My heart is warming when I hear anything about good relations among nations of old lands... It's amazing to see states, which were born against to imperialism, together. Jinnah and Ataturk were two rays from sun of the same idea... Is it possible to think their followers on different paths?
  2. AlpErTunga

    Turkey to have Free Trade with Russia and joining SCO?

    I don't give that any chance to happen. But it would be a great step to unify Eurasia and nations of elder world.
  3. AlpErTunga

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    You have no sin? If you have no sin, you can claim being a prophet after our last messenger of Allah, Hz. Muhammed S.A.V.
  4. AlpErTunga

    Movie - "Republic" -About Turkish Revolution After the Independence War

    It is a movie telling establishment of Turkish Republic and Turkish Ataturkist Revolution. Duration: almost 2 hours. For playlist; YouTube - ‪LivrecTv's Channel‬‎ For direct videos (15 parts);
  5. AlpErTunga

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    This message will seem to be off-topic. But it is related to Mustafa Kemal, so to this topic. We have to accept some propositions as "right". Is politics dirty today? Yes. Is religion divine and must it remain pure and clear? Yes. Should we combine politics and religion together? No. Because...
  6. AlpErTunga

    Movie - "Independence" -Everything about Turkish Indpendece War and behind of it

    It is a bit long... 4 hour movie serialized film :confused: But you can watch it in 2 or 3 times. You will find everything about Turkish Independence War and scenes about Ataturk-Muhammed Ali Jinnah and Gandhi in this movie. For playlist...
  7. AlpErTunga

    Must Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus be recognized?

    Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) announced her independence in 1983. And she has been isolated for 27 years. Her people were killed during genocide (1960-1974) just because of their Turkish identity but there is no Turkic state (except Turkiye) who recognizes her. Turks were...
  8. AlpErTunga

    The Great Muslim Warriors

    Caliphate had abolished by Britain, anyway. But a puppet caliph was on the Ottoman throne as a British civil servant. Do you know he didn't let muezzin give the call to prayer, not to "disturb" the commander of British invasion forces in Istanbul. While he was doing that and other insulting...
  9. AlpErTunga

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    Yes you are right. Nationalist idea cannot be removed from the basis of states today. So we have to be harmonious with this very basic fact of our world; otherwise we would be marginal, non-developed part of this world. After the death of Hz. Ali (R.A.), when were muslims united? A political...
  10. AlpErTunga

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    "If your motherland is not invaded; war is a murder." says Ataturk, who defeated Britain supported Greeks, Italians, French and Armenians in the same period... if the point is being military of the forum. If your motherland is not invaded, it can't be a "just war". Killing someone because...
  11. AlpErTunga

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    Muslim doesn't mean Islamist. I wouldn't judge, I would see this clear "must be" feature of a man who follows "Islam" -the last and "must be" most modern religion-. Sunnet is not for example having beard, or living like an Arab of 7th century. Hz. Muhammed (S.A.V.) did not do these...
  12. AlpErTunga

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    All these stuff is crap, pardon. How did you learn your religion misters? Have you ever read the Holy Kur'an in your mothertongue? Have you ever read the falling of Muslims and rising of the west? Why do muslims crying always? Why? Have you ever read objective history? Have you ever read...
  13. AlpErTunga

    For my answer : http://www.defence.pk/forums/members/arezoo-with-agnostic-muslim.html totally...

    For my answer : http://www.defence.pk/forums/members/arezoo-with-agnostic-muslim.html totally agree with him.
  14. AlpErTunga

    What are you guys studying these days?

    Makams of Turkish Classical Music and Java pr.lng...:mod::coffee:
  15. AlpErTunga

    Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

    And this charlatans are famous for their words which say "you will be punished for these!!"... I am sure about whom i will see at the deepest point of cehennem...
  16. AlpErTunga

    Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

    You pointed well dear muse; I wanted to express your point while saying "...must erase every third person between man and God. So science can grow in this secular environment." I see my religion superior according to this feature; Islam forbids "ruhbanism". In other words man links to his...
  17. AlpErTunga

    Redrawn map for Muslim world

    Maps can't be redrawn without adding blood to its ink... So this is just an insult and belongs to its owner only.
  18. AlpErTunga

    Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

    Our religion orders to researching and learning. The Prophet of Islam Hz. Muhammed SAV says "If science is in China, you should go there..." in a hadis-i sherif. Muslims must read and understand Kur'an-ı Kerim, must erase every third person between man and God. So science can grow in...
  19. AlpErTunga

    Prove God!

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