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  1. master_fx

    Syrian Capabilities

    Syrian= crappy air force... (remember how germans lost?)
  2. master_fx


    rofl..... ns one
  3. master_fx

    China Still Years Ahead of India

    u see china has always been the most powerful and advance nation throughtout its history... the west even admits that only the chinese Han empire could compete with the greatest Roman empire of all time.... lol (marco polo went to china right? y wouldnt him go to india? lol)
  4. master_fx


    plz watch this video
  5. master_fx

    How to become a Senior Member

    ok, 200 RMB..... :lol:
  6. master_fx

    India to Block F-16 deal to Pak

    Gripen and Rafale are totally different..... gripen is basicly an up-rate verison of fc-1....... ;)
  7. master_fx

    how many hardpoint does j-10 really have?

    around 50 j-10s been deployed
  8. master_fx

    India to Block F-16 deal to Pak

    as i said before jh-7 would be much better off with bombing
  9. master_fx

    no y jh-7 is so powerful?

    jh-7 is very professional in bombing and tats something neither j-10 nor f-16 can compete with....... pakistan could use jh-7 as a tactial nuclear bomber....... :thumbsup:
  10. master_fx

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    tats a great news for pakistan!!
  11. master_fx

    How to become a Senior Member

    i am starting to love this jana gal....... she sounds very lovely.... :love: here i will give 100 RMB for her pic..... lol
  12. master_fx

    India to Block F-16 deal to Pak

    thats rite..... plus usa sales f-15 and f-16 to india too so who nos wat they are up to..... btw if pakistan wants a nuclear bomber they really should go for chinese jh-7 tactical fighter-bomber..... (jh-7 is more professional in bombing than j-10 and f-16)
  13. master_fx

    how many hardpoint does j-10 really have?

    there u go........ http://www.air-attack.com/page/42/Chengdu-J-10.html
  14. master_fx

    no y jh-7 is so powerful?

    jh-7 is a tactical fighter-bomber (thats y it can carry so many "eggs" with advanced precision strike equipments, it can also carry up to 4 c-802K anti-ship missiles) and thats something j-10 cant compete with........
  15. master_fx

    no y jh-7 is so powerful?

    nope, thats jh-7 cockpit.... because jf-17 consisting of 3 large color screens(one on the right, one on the left, and other one located in the center)
  16. master_fx

    no y jh-7 is so powerful?

    does anyone here no y jh-7 is so powerful? and y USA Pacific commander so interested to inspect jh-7? well here u goes the answer: jh-7A 3-D desgin (note: 2 more hardpoints been added under the wing possibly because of the up-rated version of the Spey Mk202 engines which incresed its payload)...
  17. master_fx

    Sino-Indo Border Conflict

    indian side indian side indian side indian side
  18. master_fx

    Sino-Indo Border Conflict

    chinese side chinese side chinese side chinese side
  19. master_fx

    Sino-Indo Border Conflict

    chinese side chinese side chinese side chinese side
  20. master_fx

    India to Block F-16 deal to Pak

    it doesnt matter.... if deal was cancelled PAF will just have to go for J-10....... USA should learn to treat and give discount to her customers (if they still want their military market) lol
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