ic .. and as per your memory how much of the disputed land pre 1962 are under them ?
Reality is you have no clue.. U can be happy on the basis of some presumed giveaways.. But we know for a fact that those indian permanent bunkers were surely not pulled off before PLA withdrew.. !
that is without doubt peaceful but the intent is what matters in this case. anyways, rather than me arguing about it i will let the SE asian countries' policy do the talking..
As for me, all is well that ends well !
I will correct ou one last time.. after that u can go on with the same tune..
The area of contention was raki nala area which falls on it's way to DBO airstrip. Acc to PLA IA built some structures in RAKI NALA area and it was allaeged that they can monitor chinese troop patrols from there...
what makes you so sure that it is the case ? I mean other than your extra sensory perceptions and psychoanalysis of PLA that they are too proud to go like that ?
while it matters to some extent while chinese people think about india or japan but what matters most is what neighbours of china think about it..
China by sending it's troops rather than raising a strong objection diplomatically chose to go with a potentially escalatory method to deal with it...
you all got it wrong.. Indian leaders were always in command. Indian PM did say that issue is local and will be solved diplomatically which happened ...
Now we can't say that about leader from our adjoiing countries if they have so much faith in their diplomacy !
dude give some burnol to him...
apart from the war mongers here on pdf, it was beyond comprehension that two countries together amounting to 30% of humanity on earth will fight for a 15KM stretch which they were not going to use anyway !
I must say many chinese have a virulent form of Ctrl+C & Ctrl+v disease..
This guy is pasting the same stuff again and again :lol:
kid, just tell me one thing.. how is chinese withdrawal and india saying it will think over a chinese victory ?
the sub was at sea only right ? what are you talking about ?
the electronic and other instruments must have already been tested multiple times.. the delay was due to the reactor not being certified to be critical !
LMAO, your blabber apart my question still stands .. how is it that china withdrawing and india saying it will think over is a chinese victory ? :lol:
This guy alone can pull down the avg Chinese IQ by atleast 10 points.. where is @Speeder that high IQ guy again :lol:
we will think over it while you guys go get your ***** of that land ? It sounds victory to you ? :lol:
Never knew extra chromium affected brains that deep !
they sat on a disputed land and IA troops some 50m from them...
anyways, it is evident why pakistan think kargil was an immense victory for them even after losing 4000 regulars !
criticality doesn't mean to switch on the reactor ! It means reactor is stable and can power itself .. ( any reactor is certified to have gone critical after months of scrutiny ! )