By celebrating Nehru's bday as children's day, every Indian kid is force fed to believe that Nehru was the greatest human to have walked this earth or something...
We should first scrap that asap. !
no relation what so ever at all.. rather than trolling try to see what actually transpired.. The same general didn't even had the guts to accept the dead bodies of his comrades who were killed in those battles.
After 10 years PA finally gave away bravery awards to the regulars who fought at...
Just like pakistan with their half arsed attempt in kargil awakened the defense modernization so will this act awaken the formation of mountain strike corps !
When your country is getting droned everyday, still people can dream of a new Islamic order.. try to make sense out of it first before asking about other country !
The so called huge media uproar got more exxagerated if your were reading only pdf hosts !! Otherwise at no point any govt tried to cry hoarse.. The leaders of both countries one important thing that diplomacy will be given as many chances as possible before looking for alternatives.. !
I am...