Well, wind directions will play a crucial role...
If someone have studied geography, the wind direction for the summers is from Arabian Sea + Bay of Bengal towards Punjab Plains/Himalayas and during winters moist wind from mediterranean makes it way through Khyber pass into Northern Indian...
u guys seem to have a first hand experience about mongols :lol: btw, mongols were happy looting our golds and treasuries. But when that traitor chinese commander opened the gates of Great Wall, what followed everyone knows.. they surely didnt take away gold but their localites' innocence :lol:
after bringing pr0stitutes and ramming etc by chinese members here, i feel pity on them actually.. I can actually imagine what horror japan perpetrated on their grandmothers etc.. JAPAN is to blame for spoiling this chinese generation!!
lets keep it ontopic...
I think IAF has already enough variety in their stable.. They will like to switch to a new platform only when it is better than the existing platforms by some substantial margins. This is because for IAF the REAL cost will include new training modules, overhaul of their...