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  1. G

    How the US lost the south china sea standoff

    there is no loss for any side. it is just an instigation of Japanese media. its purpose is to instigate American to hate china more.
  2. G

    The Christian Underground In 'Atheist' China

    I think in this issue, Pakistan, india and china should work together to protect their own religions from chirstian propaganda. the Christian pays money for propagation program, Christian go to door to door to ask people to believe jesus. especially, they pay money for poor people to believe in...
  3. G

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    Well, you said "got pressured by the world". that means you and your allies use pressure to make china to give you money. that itself tells your image worse and also kind of tyrant already! it is not nice to expect other countries give Philippine money by pressing them. that is just like...
  4. G

    China is Cheating the World Student Rankings System Read more: World Student Rankings: China Is Che

    who care that kind of ranking. to much politics behind the scene! if indian like to be number 1, go ahead and say indian is number one. don't need to base on western ranking system. that's ok. the reason is because all human beings are equal. no discrimination of race, countries... it is just...
  5. G

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    Filipino is too greedy. japan and US help them too much already. why do they still eye on china? that is to much politics to be acceptable! there are many people around the world suffering more hardship than Filipino. they are human like Filipino. but why don't the US and Japanese help them...
  6. G

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    see how faked it is? "An expert" is who? everyone can write thousand of articles like this without evidence! you see this kind of article very often on western media the author 's purpose is to write article to mislead readers to have hostility toward china's space program
  7. G

    China tells Japan it would ‘consider cancelling air zone in 44 years’

    you first need to identify who he is. you cannot just look at his faked flag and attack the country of the that flag. definitely, he is not a Turkish!
  8. G

    Taiwan military jets fly into overlapping zone with China

    even if this is true, Taiwan aircrafts is no threat to china. not like japan aircrafts
  9. G

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    because this is Japanese article. the copy version is located at: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/12/02/commentary/china-dons-provocateur-suit/#.UpyuLht3tMs that is way you need to know the bias and misleading of western media I would write an article titled like: WHY DOES THE US HELP...
  10. G

    China tells Japan it would ‘consider cancelling air zone in 44 years’

    Western media wrote many misleading articles about China's ADIZ. However, they all hide the fact that Japan has been doing the same thing for 44 years. And, west media all hide this truth. I would make this thread to show the truth behind the misleading and bias of western media...
  11. G

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Good Job China. this is exactly peaceful rise! US and Japan did exactly the same thing and they said what they did is peaceful. China just repeat the peaceful thing which US and Japan did. so it is peaceful too. and only two-faced countries and demons like this guy can say something like Japan...
  12. G

    China to win space race unless NASA funding changes, US told

    I wish Indian best luck too. but I see BBC, nytimes, AP propaganda keep citing Indian poverty when they report about Indian mars mission. They are read worldwide, why don't you complain about that?
  13. G

    Japan deploys Anti-ship missiles on Miyako Island

    Sorry, you are typical indian BS. I understand why you think you are logical than others. Tibet connect to china without anything in the between, but Miyako and Japan have a huge ocean in the between. in reality, no one says Tibet is close to india you lie to yourself! what is mouthpiece and...
  14. G

    Japan deploys Anti-ship missiles on Miyako Island

    it is just one of the last efforts of japan before its dusk! I don't know the history about how Japan invaded this island, but look at the map, it is very far away from Tokyo and very close to Taiwan. if war actually happen around this place, it may be a challenge but also opportunity for China...
  15. G

    Japan deploys Anti-ship missiles on Miyako Island

    sorry I don't agree with you. your posts are totally BS! BBC, Nytimes and your posts here and there are propaganda too. I have commented on these propaganda to tell the true face of japan many times but these comments never get shown! I trust global times more than the west propaganda!
  16. G

    China calls on Japan to respect historical facts

    these Vietnamese guys got paid to propagate every where to make people have the same thought. unfortunately, they are kind of like dogs, people don't understand what they bark but know what they want. so what their propagation is meaningless. only dogs eating sh!t understand what they mean.
  17. G

    Quantum of solace as breakthrough looms

    why post such a important thing to public? should not let such important research to be published in any journal
  18. G

    China- Tibet a long way conflict

    what conflict? the conflict itself did not exist, but the west want to create conflicts like that in any countries by using west propaganda system like BBC, NYtimes, etc. To create Tibet conflict, the West granted the Noble prize to Dalai Lama to make Tibet popular on the news. it is not easy...
  19. G

    Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation

    compared to vietcunt's evil plots, everyone is childish :usflag:
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