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  1. W

    Chinese Astronauts take Flight with 3D Printed Seats

    NASA recently put a rover on mars with a rocket descent. That is quite an achievement. However NASA is not taken seriously by the current admin and it's funding has dropped drastically. Not so sure about 3d printed seats - but the private US space industry is set to out do NASA. China really...
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    Chinese-tiger is likely some Indian pretending to be Chinese. Anyway I hope the best for East Asia:
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    Chinese Astronauts take Flight with 3D Printed Seats

    Weren't you Philippino?
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    He spoke the truth. Asians get along with Asians, Indians and Pakistani's for all their supposed hatred for each other tend to be good buddies here in the west. It's in our genes to favour those who are closer to us in culture and biology.
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    White domination? since when? All the Bric nations are non white save Russia. Dont be so paranoid, your competitors are other Asians and Latin american nations.
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    And now its Brazil......

    They are trying to ruin all muslim countries.
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    Chinese Astronauts take Flight with 3D Printed Seats

    3d Printing was invented by an American dude.
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    Japanese forces' name and role to change

    China is the odd one out here. Both Koreans and Japanese are willing to cooperate for regional peace, but China wants to push both these nations closer to the US, and its doing the same to India. China is a force against Asian unity.
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    When will there be peace?

    Actually it's prophesied in the Islamic scriptures that there will be a giant fight between the Jews, Muslims, Hindu's,Buddhists and Christians. It will be everyone against the muslims. This fight will take place in Jerusalem. The muslims will win and the gog and magog will come and kill the...
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    ^^^ the bell curve is a good start. Also the discoverer of DNA structure along with the inventor of the transistor were both advocates of the theory - many scientists are, but dare not say it due to risk of losing funding.
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    Name one thing Pakistan has achieved that Korea has not? And Koreans are more respected globally, people are not scared of living next to them unlike your kind who bring property values down. South Asians are actually ranked as the ugliest race. Sorry the facts and indicators stand with...
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    U.S. Seizes 14 7-Eleven Stores in Immigration Raids

    Well the room is being cleared - Jews and East Asians are taking over everything.
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    When will there be peace?

    Vanuatu, Nauru, Tuvalu, Comoros, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Andorra, among others.
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    Afghan Forces Take Over Security From NATO

    Afghanistan is a hopeless case like Somalia. I've always believed the best way to "fight terror" is to stop importing people from certain regions. The US like Japan and South Korea is blessed that it does not have a natural minority Muslim population (unlike China), all it had to do was pull the...
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    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    There are close to 200 active threads on PDF at any moment - in 90% of them; Indians are under attack at some point. lol
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    Tehreek-e-Taliban say no peace talks anytime soon

    These are no Jews, who yield to authority. These are the most battle hardened warriors that exist in the world today. I have my doubts they can ever be controlled.
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    Japanese forces' name and role to change

    Who cares about the US. It will be better for the world if both China and the US are challenged.
  18. W

    why is Russian economy so small when it is the biggest country in the world

    Russia lost Ukraine, which was the brains of the USSR. Much of Soviet productivity was concentrated in East Germany and Ukraine.
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