Does that automatically also makes Tejas into a highly agile aircraft. BTW M2K is not such a great dog fighter. It losses energy on turn despite with inherently unstable and FBW.
I think this is all drama, we might be close to break through in our relationship with The US. The spin the US will give will be selling weapons to Pakistan helps in reducing the risk.
Cool down man! I am no fan of Bajwa. Problems of Pakistan will not go away if Bajwa disappears. Also Imran khan and his pirni also have a lot to answer to.
I did and she remembers you, you were one of the Kami kamins who with rest of your family including your mother and sisters came to pick up $hit from our dera. Our servants had a lot of fun! Enough said😉
You mean HKhan? Is he still in Florida?
Swiftship USA has a strong Pakistani connection. One of their executive is an ex PN guy and they have been trying do business with Pakistan for a long time. Many years ago they lobbied US Congress to pay for some boats they would build for Pakistan but didn’t work out. I am sure some quid pro...
No, as there will be no deliveries.
I made not statement about the about the quality of the rifle but I don't pleasure myself looking at centerfold of the SCAR.
When your ignorance is revealed for all to see you respond by still more stupid comments. Let’s talk about Dragoons first and then we can talk about the guns.
I told you Dragoons were never meant for the Army. They were an order from ASF and are in service with them. Who has the comprehension...
I have seen them all. Rajasthani stuff is just a cheap copy of Mughal art. Nothing compares to the Taj Mahal in it aesthetics and simplicity. The best contribution Hindus can make to architecture are the Kama Sutra temples in the south with depiction of fornification and beastality.