ridiculous comments like these are breeding grounds of unethical brawls, which we indian's and pakistani's so conveniently indulge ourselves in..
I'll let my better judgement prevail and refrain from commenting.
I seriously doubt that my friend. That's the only deterrence you have against india. You will not let go of it.
But I tell you this.. If pakistan signs NPT.. India will sign it too..
Oh no sir.. who am I to judge. Please produce as many warheads you like. Infact.. you should top the list.
Now that would be a media headline to be proud of.. won't it?
I don't think India has anything to gain from it. If we indulge ourselves in this nuclear arms race our image will be as tainted as well (you surely do not want to see a similar article on india).
I believe we have what we need from nuclear deterrence stand point.
And lets be realistic...
Becuase we do not need to. We already have a credible deterrence and what we want now is to boost our conventional arsenal.
Moreover, if india wants to benefit from its civilian nuclear deal.. it will not be indulging in these detremental tasks. India has long expressed its no first use...
And would that number be? Hundreds? Thousands?
Lets face it, you already have the deterrence you need.. why not use the new sources for energy generation? which pakistan desperately needs?
Constructive feedback is always welcome, name calling is not. Ever wondered how all conversations initially start with valid arguments and then go downhill to same old bickering?.. I am not just blaming pakistanis .. we are equally guilty.