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  1. Aegis DDG

    Terrorist capture fallujah

    It's really sad to be honest. All those Marines died for an vein cause. They only possible way of saving Iraq is that the US Air force decides to an modern version of Operation Backliner II (This time with Percision weapons like SLAM-ER) It's all because of what's happening in Syria. The...
  2. Aegis DDG

    Terrorist capture fallujah

    Unlike the Americans who were largely seen as neutral in the sectarian divisions in Iraq, the IAF would be seen as Malki's own 'shia gangs' and gives the terrorist good legitimacy to the fullajah public to fight back. I doubt the Iraqi army would get it back, for Christ sake, the terrorist are...
  3. Aegis DDG

    Terrorist capture fallujah

    Yep. Not only that! They lost control of nearly most of anbar province and Ramadi. The same place hundreds of US marines lost their lives It's virtually lawless.
  4. Aegis DDG

    Terrorist capture fallujah

    In Fallujah, where Marines fought the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war in 2004, the militants appeared to have the upper hand, underscoring the extent to which the Iraqi security forces have struggled to sustain the gains made by U.S. troops before they withdrew in December 2011. The upheaval...
  5. Aegis DDG

    Iraqi Kurdish oil flow to Turkey has begun: Turkish Energy minister

    What about the Assyrians in N.Iraq? They have much ligimacy in having parts of N.Iraq as much as your people. (I don't know much about the middle-east as I'm not Middle-Eastern but my Assyrians freinds in Netherlands hate Kurds more than the Arabs or Turks).
  6. Aegis DDG

    Children 'beheaded and mutilated' in Central African Republic, says Unicef

    Well this thread went well :D. From discussing innocent children being beheaded to going batshit stormfront.
  7. Aegis DDG

    Children 'beheaded and mutilated' in Central African Republic, says Unicef

    Africa is an big place. From peaceful sleepy places like Namibia, Ghana and Botswana to hellholes like Ivory coast, S.Sudan, Egypt etc. It sure hell beats the Middle-East, which exports all it's trouble to the West. You don't African blowing themselves up in Paris or London simply because of the...
  8. Aegis DDG

    Children 'beheaded and mutilated' in Central African Republic, says Unicef

    Just wow! Have you already forgton the violence in the Balkan? The mass killing of the soviet union during Stalin's era? The times where Ukarinan children were chopped up into pieces and sold to markets for money during the mass starvation? The Eastern Front?
  9. Aegis DDG

    Chinese Satellite Grabs Another Satellite in Orbit

    This is some serious sh*t...
  10. Aegis DDG

    Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany

    Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany | Germany | DW.DE | 08.06.2009 this is tragic. I thought Vietnamese were an model minority.
  11. Aegis DDG

    nice footage of Reza Shah with Ataturk and others.

    The Islamist's mindset always confusing and brain damaging.
  12. Aegis DDG

    In Iran, Muslim youth are 'even more excited about Christmas than Christians'

    They should value Nowruz more than Christmas. But you could argue that Xmas had Mithradis roots (look up the roman-pathian wars)
  13. Aegis DDG

    Turkeys Aselsan gets $167.4 mln deal from govt agency

    Will this play an role in the next TF-2000 destroyer..
  14. Aegis DDG

    Anti-Turkism, also known as Turcophobia

    Stop bumping into old threads. You keep doing this in the Turkish forum
  15. Aegis DDG

    How did East Asians/Chinese people get epicanthic Eye folds?

    Was it through physical hardships in NE Asia or the Tibetan region? Was it through sexual selections? The only people other Asian to have this feature is San bushmen and Samii people.
  16. Aegis DDG

    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    I saw this military exercise live on an Saudi-Channel (I was bored :P)
  17. Aegis DDG

    'Innovation key to breakthrough in Turkish defence industry'

    Let's hope the political turbulence ends in Turkey and the politicians focus on the economy first. I think Turkey's biggest curse is that they border the middle-east. If only they were in the Asia-Pacific :P
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