Manners? Your post is oozing manners. Pot calling the kettle black?
Lol jahil from pandoo village? My family's from Karachi. We've lived in Karachi for almost 200 years. While the likes of you were washing your sikh masters' horses in the Badshahi mosque, we were making Karachi the top city in...
Listen burger boy. I clearly said the courts should've been the ones to decide on the matter and not some random mob.
But blasphemy should be a serious crime in the ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan.
Which part of my comment do you not agree with? A) The fact that these things are for the courts to deal with and not some random mob or B) Punishment for blasphemy should be death?
Let's not have a knee-jerk reaction. Maybe there was actual blasphemy and punishment for which should be death, but it should be up to the courts to decide not some random mob.
Why don't we care about our Paksarzameen rather than look at where bharatis or chinis will stand in 15-20 years.
The fact is our hukmaraan have sold the country for their personal interests and our immediate future is not as bright as either of these countries' so we should be doing something...
This is well and good but when is Karachi Metrobus gonna begin its operations?
I heard it was supposed to be before end of Jan, 2017. It's almost end of Feb and yet no news on it.
Nawab Salahuddin Abbasi of Bahawalpur. PHOTO COURTESY: PESHAWAR STAMP SOCIETY
A Senate panel approved a bill on Monday to increase allowances of former rulers of states that acceded to Pakistan at the time of independence by as much as 200 per cent.
Details showed that the...
Pakistan isn't even accession candicate country? I thought they will the membership first and then Enhanced Engagement Countries?
I don't trust this source of news.