First miscue of the 2012 Olympic? No matter, shytes happen, apology accepted and the game go on. The best of luck to London and all the participated athletes.
Just before the Colorado crosses theUS/Mexico border 75 percent of its flow is diverted into the All-Americancanal. From there the water is flushed into wasteful irrigationsystems and it eventually trickles down into the Salton Sea, oncean important stop on the Pacific flyway for migratory birds...
Perhaps make a new rule no one can post new threads until they reach 1,000 posts and that should greatly reduce such problems. Member with more than that number of posts tends to be more restrained than the newly arrivals.
As I said guys, we have no money to fight your greedy little wars, either provide the money or suit us. Of course our dragon lady, Hilary, would probably say it so nice and you guys will mellow up.
We signed so many of these treaties we can't afford to abide by them anymore. If we tell Aquino we have no money to fight his little wars anymore, what will he do? Take us to International court or give us his personal fortune? If I remember correctly, Nixon always told his aides, whenever the...
Our national interest is to have enough money to buy lunches for our school kids, anything else is politic. Do you know how many counties already filed for bankruptcies and more on the way? Just wait you'll see.
That was a year ago, now is different with the budget cuts and all. Where the money comes from? Does it grow on trees.
IMO, close all the bases and bring all the troops home. These idiots in Washington are going to bankrupt us soon or later.
Alabama's Jefferson County filed for bankruptcy court protection on Wednesday in the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
The bankruptcy filing by the southern U.S. county will add to concerns about the risks in the $3.7 trillion U.S. municipal bond market, which was hit recently by...
Didn't you hear? Mayor Bloomberg of New York City is going to create a lot of 'micro apartment' in the city. That should the trend for all big cities around the world, aside from every thing else, modern families are much smaller nowadays.
Right now we are having a big hiccup, as well as everyone else, but is not detrimental and will make it through with the best of the lot. But if we bring all our troops and concentrate on defending our borders and littoral water, we'll have money to spare. Even better if we sell half of our...
"For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." But certainly not for peace per se, and some argue that he's more of a warmonger than Bush.