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  1. kingkong

    China irate at Chen's US stopover !

    The Taiwanese president has a right to decide if he is to visit the U.S. China cannot dictate Taiwan what to do. Taiwan is independent from Beijing and cannot be part of mainland China.
  2. kingkong

    North Korea threatens to wipe out US forces in South Korea

    The U.S. cannot shoot down North Korean missiles.
  3. kingkong

    shall china be united again?

    Taiwan and it's people must be allowed to decide on the matter most of them want independence from China. China cannot defeat the Taiwan army if the U.S. provides military technology/hardware to Taiwan.:pakistan:
  4. kingkong

    Malaysia interested in Brahmos cruise missile

    India shouldn't sell any weapons system to Malaysia nor participate in training exercises.:tdown:
  5. kingkong

    Malaysia to buy AEW&C aircraft

    The Saab 2000 is one of the fastest turboprop airplanes in existence; it is able to cruise at a speed of over 665 km/h (360 kt). It is a stretched version of the Saab 340. Pakistan Saab 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :pakistan: Pakistani Air Force - 5 Saab 2000 AEW&C In June...
  6. kingkong

    Taiwan want re-unification.

    TAIWAN must remain an independent sovereign country and must never unify with the mainland. The Army of Taiwan can repulse the PLA if given the most modern military hardware. Only a war will force Taiwan to reunite with Beijing.:guns:
  7. kingkong

    Philippine air force admits no fighters until 2011

    :guns: The Israel Aircraft Industries Nesher (Hebrew: נשר, "Eagle") is the Israeli version of the Dassault Mirage 5 multi-role fighter aircraft. Most were later sold to the Argentine Air Force as Daggers, and later upgraded as Fingers. IAI Nesher - Wikipedia, the free...
  8. kingkong

    Impacts of change of government in India on Bangladesh

    National parties, which are increasingly resembling a sum of their local parts, thus find it increasingly difficult to create a national imperative in terms of how people vote. So the campaigns we see on television, however pervasive they might appear to be, may actually play a very small role...
  9. kingkong

    Awami League and Hindu Persecution

    There is NO PERSECUTION of Hindus in Bangladesh, this are all rumors spread by destabilizers. If Bangladesh becomes unstable India will lose,terrorists will use Bangladesh especially hatred so Hindus will fight Muslims.:pakistan:
  10. kingkong

    Indians and India/BD borders...

    Whoever tried to mastermind growing this poppies came from Burma since there are already many reports about the Burmese army doing this within Burma but probably they want to grow it outside Burma.
  11. kingkong

    Deep Sea Port In Making - Way to go...

    It's better if the Port includes an anti-flooding system just like in Holland. The IPA must not only plan for the Deep sea port without considering the frequent flooding of the delta which kills many Bangladeshis almost every year.
  12. kingkong

    Maritime boundary: Bangladesh should lodge protest

    South Talpatty island is part of the territory of Bangladesh,not Myanmar nor India's. All the resources of the country must be used to improve the lives of the citizens.Bangladesh is a Muslim country can ask the help of the OPEC to decide on this maritime dispute. Myanmar has no right...
  13. kingkong

    Nuclear power plants for Bangladesh

    The Nuclear power plant must be built Bangladesh :tup: needs cheaper electricity, to reach the rural areas of the country also. If this is completed many Bangladeshis in Dhaka will be able to afford electricity,this really will help the many people.:bounce:
  14. kingkong

    88 Bangladeshi UN Peacekeepers killed on duties

    :pakistan: Bangladesh has helped the U.N. in many peacekeeping missions now it is the U.N. turn to help Bangladesh with more humanitarian sustainable aid for projects in the country.
  15. kingkong

    India patronize Hindu militant group for breaking Bangladesh and setup a Hindu state

    It's best if this issue be solved by peaceful dialogue not a war or conflict in Bangladesh. India should exhaust all peaceful means and negotiations with Bangladesh concerning Hindus living in disputed border areas.:pakistan:
  16. kingkong

    What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

    :bounce: Bangladesh needs to cooperate with India concerning anti-terrorist intelligence and training.Both New Delhi and Dhaka need to share all resources in order to defeat terrorism in South Asia.
  17. kingkong

    Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

    This is wrong the Bangladeshi army shouldn't go to war against Myanmar. :tdown: Bangladesh should focus on anti-terrorism operations within Bangladesh,before the terrorists use Bangladesh as a base to conduct terror attacks against foreign and domestic targets. :bounce:
  18. kingkong

    COAS visits Swat !

    I just watched Al-jazeera:bounce:,the battle against the terrorists is really focused in SWAT valley area. The Pakistan Army tanks are fully utilized so that the PA will eradicate terrorism in that area.
  19. kingkong

    Operations in Dir and Buner

    If it's for the safety of the civilians there is no better option than to evacuate them all,to prevent civilian casualties. The fighting there seems really fierce even the Pakistani army now has a hard time,even with superior firepower.
  20. kingkong

    Worldview: Obama's new plan: Closer ties to Pakistani military

    This way the U.S. can make sure Pakistan remains a democracy unlike what happened in the past. Pakistan needs the U.S. to destroy the terrorists as well as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
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