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  1. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Two Pakistani British Girls Marry Each Other

    Lol what a sissy...
  2. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Two Pakistani British Girls Marry Each Other

    Nopes, Lesbianabad ::D
  3. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    A Sanaullah for Sarabjit cannot be the solution

    Only Sarabjeet's and No sanaullah's, cant be a solution either. The deterrence to the threat to lives of Indian citizen in captivity has been enhanced.
  4. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanaullah died in India today

    Just saw the news today, pakistanis want India to send special plane to pakistan. In my opinion, thats cheap. We sent our special plane to lahore to bring body of our Indian citizen. pakistanis should also do the same.
  5. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Two Pakistani British Girls Marry Each Other

    Its a welcome news and I strongly support this trend in pakistan. Just give me an english source to this news, so that I may go to other forums and make fun of pakistan :lol: Edit:- Shadi mubarak ho Faaqooqui sahab.:mps:
  6. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I dont get your point. No I am not being sarcastic. I am referring to the rising awareness of masses about current happenings. People are coming out to protest on various issues, and are allowed to do so, that is good sign of a healthy developing civil society, unlike in taliban dominated AFG.
  7. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanaullah died in India today

    What was the so called Innocent man doing in Indian jail convicted on 2 counts of terrorism? fuckin barbarians understand only one language. Sir there are enough pakistanis (including army personell) on the streets of Quetta, karachi, KP, parachinar etc. They dont need to be in Indian jails...
  8. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanaullah died in India today

    Next time you will have to think 10 times before attacking any captured Indian citizen.
  9. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani government to ban air conditioners

    Why not increase power production instead? Better why not employ Water Car engineer Agha Waqar Sahib?
  10. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Wow, Afghanis seem to have evolved a lot into a descent civil society, unlike under tha taliban rule. I am impressed by the progress and level of awarness in masses. @Sher Malang Pl tell me about status of free media in post taliban Afg.
  11. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani government to ban air conditioners

    I salute the innovative decision of pak government. Pakistan khappay khappay
  12. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Get Well Soon Imran Khan: Updates & Discussions.

    ^^^I dreamed today that even angels in the heaven were crying over IK falling off stage. :cry: I am personally upset and pray to god to make khan sahib more hatta katta and mushtanda so that he may lead the hopes of million people with full vigour. Inshalla Edit:- Birathers, did anyone else...
  13. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Camel jockeys: Popular Arab sport costs Pakistani children their sanity

    ^^^ But it is the direction where each momin has to face while praying and avoid facing while doing ghusl or toilet. You cant wish away holy arabs. Especially if you have voluntarily or involuntarily accepted their hidden cultural nationalism in form of religion. Regarding camel jockieng, it is...
  14. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Get Well Soon Imran Khan: Updates & Discussions.

    Why did IK choose cricket bat as his election symbol given the fact that he was a world class bowler?? Why not balls?
  15. Maj. Kuldeep Singh


    Mulla Omar is not in pakistan.
  16. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Imran Khan is injured as he fell off the the lifter.

    Was there any Sunroof Lever around??
  17. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Clash resumes on contested Afghan, Pakistan border area: Officials

    Two of the most "martial" races on earth sorting out their ugly matters by indulging in acts of raw mardangi, Now that is some interesting stuff.... :tazz:
  18. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    Sir I dont have time and intention to respond to your equal equal(==) philiosophy. How many kafirs did we kill? :lol:
  19. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    self delete
  20. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Have arabs gone stupid or what?

    You seem to be very overwhelmed with their contribution to humananity.:lol: My problem with them is the shyte they have invented and propagated worldwide, malsi the elephant, is nothing but Arab cultural nationalism in disguise that is root of all the ills that humanity faces.
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