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  1. I

    The Ohio-Class Guided Missile Nuclear Submarine Is One Dangerous Beast

    His comment was trolling to begin with. I just pointed out a simple fact. What's the body count so far? 10-20 million. These fascists would make Hitler blush. living in a make believe world doesn't help their delusions.
  2. I

    China's latest aircraft

    Only in your own mind. This thread is about China's latest aircraft. My personal opinion of these aircraft is relevant. Your flag fetish isn't. Now go troll someone else.
  3. I

    China's latest aircraft

    your comment is irrelevant
  4. I

    The Ohio-Class Guided Missile Nuclear Submarine Is One Dangerous Beast

    You mean the regimes they protect? The US regimes have killed more people once the 70's than Hitler ever did. Examples Vietnam Laos Cambodia Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria. Whats the body count so far?
  5. I

    China's latest aircraft

    Exactly correct. How do you think the US got where it is today? Stealing NAZI and Soviet scientists engineers blue prints research reverse engineering tech and designs etc. The Anglo empire has stolen EVERYTHING from the world for the past 500 years. That is how they became the hegemon. Now...
  6. I

    Argentina has finalized an order for 110 VN 1 amphibious armored vehicles

    the Malvinas belong to Argentina. They can't invade their own territory. They can kick out the freeloading English pirates that have been squatting there for the past few years without paying taxes. They won't though. As English power wanes their hold on all their colonized lands will evaporate...
  7. I

    Hungary Became the First EU Country to sign on China's Silk Road

    Lol. The irony of your delusional rantings are quite entertaining. I'm sure that irony is lost on someone with your mental skill set. But please, carry on. Eurasia is rising. Keep throwing tantrums. I'm sure that will help your cause you little pseudo analyst you.
  8. I

    Wikileaks docs offer insight into Saudi diplomats’ world

    Here's a nice gift for you short pants. Hopeful k y your paymasters won't mind wikileaksDOTorgSLASHsaudi-cables/press
  9. I

    U.S. Pilots Say New Chinese Stealth Fighter Could Become Equal of F-22, F-35

    This gambit troll sounds like a paid spokesperson for the USAF
  10. I

    F-35B's conduct 'dogfights' during sea trials

    This flying tomato can. Lol
  11. I

    Which faction will win in Syria?

    SAA will win. With Iran Hezbollah Russia and China n their side. They can't lose.
  12. I

    Wikileaks docs offer insight into Saudi diplomats’ world

    have you read the Wikileaks cables yet? Of course not. That would take a spine. Free will and a functioning brain. Much better to talk about masturbation.
  13. I

    Wikileaks docs offer insight into Saudi diplomats’ world

    So the sowdi slavers have threatened their servants. I mean paid internet trolls not to make a peep an o it these cables. Or the get 20 years in the dungeons. no wonder everyone of these paid trolls are to scared to even make a peep in this thread. Now I understand why they are pumping those...
  14. I

    POLL: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon joint military offensive against Safafists?

    Very simplistic way of looking at things. Plans within plans.
  15. I

    Sisi says Assad will die at any moment

    Putin. The leader of the free world. The man who is single handedly bringing NATO to its knees is out of touch with reality. But you a internet child troll from Canada knows what's really going on? Hahaha. You're a delusional little boy. Worry about the neo NAZI state being created by Harper...
  16. I

    Which faction will win in Syria?

    SAA will win. They are fighting mostly foreign terrorist mercenaries paid by the sowdi oil money and trained by NATO. The civilized educated Syrian people are with the government. Kurds will eventually align themselves fully with the Baath as will smaller Syrian rebel factions. Isis is a flash...
  17. I

    Wikileaks docs offer insight into Saudi diplomats’ world

    Here's a direct link to the sowdi cables my friend. Enjoy. Don't lose your head. wikileaksDOTorgSLASHsaudi-cables/search
  18. I

    Turkmen commander warns for a bigger war in Syria

    Not rusky. But if thinking that satisfies some weird fetish of yours. go for it. And I don't know any girls that like thieving brown asians. Sorry
  19. I

    Turkmen commander warns for a bigger war in Syria

    Yeah like I said. You're a regard. /wiki/Iraqi_Turkomen Turkmen Turkomen. Same shiit. Sad you Asians don't even know your own history. You're all the same. Hence the name. I just can't take fools seriously. Carry on akhbar
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