Since your in China you have the right to depot immigrant in China. For any Chinese immigrant live abroad your @ss not in your motherland, should stop promote immigrant prosecution in China.
You are not loyal to Canada, your a traitor to your host nation, many people like you will spy for China and jeopardize Canada national security. Take your own advice and self depot back to China.
Did he born in Hong Kong? If he did then he a Chinese citizen, why are you call him an illegal immigrant? He had the right to protest same as other Hong Kong resident.
Wow 2 different lyric with the same beat from 2 different country, this is Hindi dub version Kerry perry original song. Who said India lack in copy from other?
Missiles launch from submarine as lethal as bomb drop from the aircraft, different aircraft carrier look more mightier with 50 fighter jet launch from the carrier with their strike mission.
Thank you. Your perspective must appreciate because what you said all in agreement with what historians recorded, South Asia consist of many kingdom before the British colonized the region.
Indian said the creation of Bangladesh because India ruled over the subcontinent and India as a nation was formed before the British set feet on the South Asia subcontinent. Do you agree with this statement?