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  1. Canaan

    9/11 Families 'Ecstatic' They Can Finally Sue Saudi Arabia

    Arabia (aka "KSA") has of course benefited from the "partnership" with the US, which is quite normal, but to think that you are BBFs or equal partners is just fooling yourself. Today this is pretty evident. I am not saying that to insult or laugh at KSA, but I get quite irritated by the notion...
  2. Canaan

    Democracy In Arab World: Reality Or Pipedream?

    The problem is that, as I wrote earlier, any movement towards democracy or anything that would mean current rulers would lose power to or God forbid share power with the people is fought against. Because loosing power would mean loosing the ability to rob the state of its wealth as they all...
  3. Canaan

    Democracy In Arab World: Reality Or Pipedream?

    Me a religious zealot? haha Funny taking into consideration my liberal world view and preference of a secular state system.
  4. Canaan

    Syrian TV arrests a Jordanian terrorist during an interview MUST WATCH

    I tend to agree with brother Mahatir's post. Although I believe Assad no longer has any legitimacy as a ruler, nor that partition perhaps is the correct solution.
  5. Canaan

    Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic

    What a disgusting claim, Palestinians are of course irrational beasts that only live to and dream of stabbing the innocent jews, who did nothing but arrive from foreign land destroy their lives, uproot and suppress them. These are the words coming from a citizen of perhaps the most violent...
  6. Canaan

    9/11 Families 'Ecstatic' They Can Finally Sue Saudi Arabia

    And KSA has been waiting for what? in reality KSA is the US' B*** it does what it is ordered to do. It's quite funny to see the US ditching the KSA, as we have been telling you people for decades to not trust uncle sam, but you really thought they liked you didn't you? In reality they only kept...
  7. Canaan

    Democracy In Arab World: Reality Or Pipedream?

    The problem is that democracy or anything that may lead to some sort of peoples' rule is thwarted by religious zealots, dictators and monarchies in the area.
  8. Canaan

    Syrian girls advertised for sale in Saudi Arabia

    If I ever get my hands on "Um Majid", I will cut her in pieces! Syrian refugees sell daughters in bid to survive - CBS News
  9. Canaan

    Iraqi Shia Arab terrorist and Child-Murderer Abu Abbas killed in Syria among other Iraqis

    First of all, the syrian opposition which started out by being a syrian civilian movement with legitimate goals, is now a hijacked entity with numerous players and numerous goals, particularly serving foreign parties like Iran, the GCC, the West, Russia and Israel just to name a few. There is no...
  10. Canaan

    Egypt declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group

    It amazes me to see so many ignorant and naive brothers from Egypt or supporters of the disgraceful coup of a sitting president. Either that or you are lying on purpose and spreading propaganda. No one, and I mean NO ONE believes the utter crap story about Morsi's mismanagement of the economy...
  11. Canaan

    Iraqi Shia Arab terrorist and Child-Murderer Abu Abbas killed in Syria among other Iraqis

    Instead of rejoicing each time anyone from the opposite party is killed, you, and by you I mean anyone who has taken party in the honorless carnage happening in Syria, you should instead be ashamed for your support of either party. What's happening in Syria, is a disgrace and a catastrophe...
  12. Canaan

    Erdoan says history will curse Al-Azhar Sheikh for endorsing coup

    I agree for the most part of what you wrote. I am a person driven by logic and rationale not emotions, and for me Turkey is 10x a more attractive rolemodel than any of the other arab and muslim states in existence today (Malaysia coming close). When I say Turkey, I mean as a promotor of a...
  13. Canaan

    Al Qaeda's ISIL captures Syrian Army air defence base in Hama,Syria.

    Sorry brother, I am not buying that. Sure there are few Palestinians who are fighting in Syria, but Palestinians have wisely and by most part stayed out of this. A few have joined the ranks of the opposition, while some are fighting on Assad's side. There are no winners in this conflict.
  14. Canaan

    How the British Divided Up the Arab World

    What do you mean?There needs to be a total re-writing of borders in the arab world that reflect real factors. These fake and destructive borders set by imperial powers need to be removed asap. Also we need a totally new system, i.e. a federal structure like in the US or even a EU system. States...
  15. Canaan

    Martyrdom of 9 Tunisian soldiers

    Did you just call your fellow contributor Donkey (djahch) ?
  16. Canaan

    Egypt Orders Spy Satellite from Russia

    Thank God that only you yourself believe this lie. Most of the civilized world know for a fact that you destroyed the democratic process in egypt and that you are spreading lies on a constant basis. Unfortunately for you, everybody have you figured out. What a laughing stock you are.
  17. Canaan

    UAE-made UAV appeals

    Now we need to start employing these babies in "targeted killing" operations against American and Israeli targets. After all, this is dubbed legal by both entities, and in the words of Bush, the whole planet is a battlefield.
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