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  1. Digital Soldier

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    tell me if any afghan national was involved in any terrorist attack in the world, name him for me. backward and terrorist tumari zaat hea, the whole world knows that. in every terrorist attack in the world pakistani and arab terrorists were involved not one afghan were involved. Think deeply...
  2. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    They are not the main mindset, they are just programmed instruments that's why i called them morons of worst kind.
  3. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: I don't have time to type for you foool. I don't prefer to directly react the words of a hypocrite and idiot like you and this does not mean i am a pathological liar.
  4. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    They are morons of the worst kind on this planet.
  5. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    Its not important for us what Pakistan like or not. Only what we like is important for us and you people can just bark as usual, it doesn't bother us anymore. YOUR ENEMY OUR FRIEND.
  6. Digital Soldier

    The socio economic effects of American withdrawal

    Visit any government office in Kabul and you will see young employees in their twenties or early thirties, flashing expensive cloths, smart phones and the latest computer gadgets. They are the so called National Technical Assistants; receiving their salaries in dollar values averaging thirty...
  7. Digital Soldier

    UK grants visas for 600 Afghans who served with British forces

    United Kingdom will give settlement rights for up to 600 Afghans who have risked their lives to act as interpreters for British troops in Afghanistan. Interpreters who have regularly served on the frontline will get visas for themselves and their ‘immediate dependents’ to come to Britain for...
  8. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    Did he speak against Pakistan :what:, i think they were discussing mutual relations? Why so sensitive and defensive are you people?
  9. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    In fact your whole army is Taliban-minded fighters hiding in uniform. your SSG was fighting against Northern Alliance alongside Taliban during Taliban regimen. Thousands were slaughtered in the mountains of north. Taliban is a Pakistani phenomenon. Its a way for Pakistan to survive, Its in...
  10. Digital Soldier

    Washington welcomes India’s bilateral assistance to Afghanistan

    Washington on Monday welcomed India’s generous bilateral assistance to Afghanistan as Afghan president Hamid Karzai is on a three-day state visit to India. Sate Department spokesperson Patrick Ventrell told reporters, “”We welcome efforts by Afghanistan’s neighbours and other regional actors...
  11. Digital Soldier

    Pakistani and Chechen rebels attack police check post in Helmand

    At least 23 Taliban militants including Pakistani and Chechen fighters were killed after attacking a police check post in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan. Local officials in Helmand province said the incident took place in Sangin district, leaving four Afghan police officers dead...
  12. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    Yes, i agree with you, my information was not proper. This seems somehow funny :lol:. I hope it was a prestigious government university. Some Indian websites say the offer was made by the Indian president.
  13. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    Although i am not a serious supporter of him but what he is doing in the world and what he is responsible for is not everybody's job. Its not luxury to be the president of a war-ravaged nation. I think it requires lots of courage and he has it.
  14. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    As i know India is a country which has the highest number of universities in the world, so here comes the question about the quality and prestige. He already have had several of these honorary degrees from respectful universities in US and Japan and its one of it. Good for this university.
  15. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    I was watching Geo TV, stunned to see their parliamentarians complaining on tv about their low salaries of about $320 per month. :lol: most seem to have no degree at all.
  16. Digital Soldier

    Karzai receive honorary doctorate degree from Indian president

    Afghan president Hamid Karzai received Doctors on Monday received Doctors of Letter Honoris Causa degree from Indian president Pranab Mukherjee at the third convocation of Lovely Professional University. This is the first honoris causa degree awarded by the LPU which is one of the biggest...
  17. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    Living in the past is unwise. Lets be honest and solve the problems both nations are faced with today. why should we be stuck in what happened in the past. Pakistan must cooperate with us instead backstabbing us. Pakistani and Afghan civilians are both paying the price for Pakistani Taliban...
  18. Digital Soldier

    Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

    So what do you really want to prove? being pessimistic, ill wisher to Afghanistan or what?
  19. Digital Soldier

    Taliban aims victory after NATO pullout from Afghanistan: Azimi

    Every spec of ignorance and dirt that you can imagine can be found in these idiot religiously-guided Taliban. Yet they think they are special wonderful people of God, fighting a war for him. Look at the extent of misunderstanding foolishness. Pakistan is able to use them because they are such fools.
  20. Digital Soldier

    Taliban aims victory after NATO pullout from Afghanistan: Azimi

    Afghan defense officials on Monday said that Taliban militants have deployed a large number of fighters to Afghanistan after closing its religious Madrasas in Pakistan. According to reports thousands of of Taliban fighters are busy with the religious studies in Pakistani Madrasas. The...
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