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  1. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Could israel get more fascist than natanyahu ? All of them israhelli politiciants are fascist terrorists. So what difference would it make ? Non whatsoever.
  2. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Now the US is rushing to calm down the situation because Israhell is getting its *** kicked by the mujahedines.
  3. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Really ? Whats wrong with living in ghettos if one's a true muslim faithful, most of Morrocans are living in their own houses and driving their own cars, something many french dont get to do, we are very rich thanks to Allah, but I fail to see the point, how is my opinion leads you to put me in...
  4. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Pakistanforever In islam we don't put nationalism first nor second, we put it last. If I don't care about Quds or Palestine than what good is my islam for, nothing really. I LOVE my Palestinian muslim brother more than a jewish Morrocan ! This is the core of the islamic globalist ideology, but...
  5. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Is it just me or does the Zionist lobby is getting weaker against the growing presence of Muslims in the Us and Europe ? I felt like sleepy Joe was licking the boots of American muslims just to get their votes against Trump, not going to forget that he said in an interview : " you don't have to...
  6. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    @Falcon29 PA is a puppet of the Jews, imagine how those PA officers are feeling right now, they lived a life of treason to islam and to Allah swt, and how ironic to have themselves killed mistakenly by their masters, What a terrible end.
  7. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    You know the prophecy about 2022, Are these events the beginning of the end of israel or is it just another round like in 2011 and in 2014. The geopolitics never changed, if anything the muslim regimes have gotten more betrayfull, but Allah SWT plans, and he is the best of planners, Gaza will...
  8. islamrules2020

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    Assalamu aleikum brothers, it's clear from the recent events that Israhell is a weak and desperate, imagine if Taliban were in there instead of Hamas !! the jews don't know what to do anymore, they are heading towards their downfall, Israel is corrupt morally, on the other hand Hamas and the...
  9. islamrules2020

    Uighurs forced to eat pork as China expands Xinjiang pig farms

    the Almighty revenge will soon be upon the evil communist Chinese regime, Allah swt is stronger than the CCP and will never forsake our Uighur Muslim brothers and sisters, it's just a matter of time !!
  10. islamrules2020

    Iran, not Israel, becomes the unifying enemy for the Middle East

    according to the hadit of Abu Hureira RA, after the siege of Iraq by the Ajam (non Arabs of the UN ), and the siege of the Levant by the Romans (the latest US Cesar law ), the hadit says something about a drought and an internal conflict between the Egyptian armies, as for the Romans, it's...
  11. islamrules2020

    Taliban tells fighters group is ‘on the threshold’ of ‘pure Islamic government’

    TALIBAN are the army of Islam and the sword of Allah swt, they are going to conquer Jerusalem, they are going to pleadge allegiance to the Mahdi when he takes over.. Allah swt prepared them by puting them against the soviets and Americans, and both so called "superpowers" were defeated by the...
  12. islamrules2020

    Iran, not Israel, becomes the unifying enemy for the Middle East

    many hadits speak of the perishing of the arabs and persians before them, and that the remaining Arabs will be stationed around the capital of the Islamic caliphate Jerusalem. probably its going to be a nuclear war, or its because yajuj & majuj will kill everyone
  13. islamrules2020

    Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

    lol bro by the end of this decade most humanity will be just like you described, it's a good thing, it will make it easier for the army of islam to clean that shit up !! Turkey by then will not politicaly united, turks just like all humans will have to pick a side.
  14. islamrules2020

    Featured Turkey reconverts Istanbul's Hagia Sophia museum into a mosque

    if we were in 1923 and someone suggested secularism, Muslims would have felt as disgusted as the nowadays muslims feel about the lgbt filth, but satan does take his time ..... but thanks to Allah swt no shape shifting falsehood will ever stand against the truth that is Islam, and the reopening...
  15. islamrules2020

    "One case" threatens Egypt's water security after filling the Renaissance Dam

    its not a coincidence that the hadith mentions both the Turks and the Ethiopians at the same time
  16. islamrules2020

    Erdogan Reciting The Holy Quran Just Before The Juma Prayer In Hagia Sophia

    I can't not imagine that a Muslim would criticize this move !
  17. islamrules2020

    Turkey's Erdogan says Hagia Sophia becomes mosque after court ruling

    NO, we don't, dude that is 101 Islam !!
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